In the Dominican Republic: 17,000 Russians and Ukrainians stranded together

In the Dominican Republic
17,000 Russians and Ukrainians stranded together

While war is raging in Ukraine following the Russian attack, thousands of tourists from the two warring factions are stuck in the Dominican Republic. Western sanctions prevent the Russians from returning. The local Honorary Consul of Ukraine is pleading for help.

Almost 17,000 tourists from Russia and Ukraine are apparently stuck in the Dominican Republic, which is why the Caribbean state now wants to provide them with accommodation. They are guaranteed the right to stay in accommodation “until a final solution is found to their situation in view of the conflict in their countries,” said the island state’s tourism ministry on Wednesday. The government and the hotel and restaurant association Asonahores as well as hotel representatives had reached a corresponding agreement.

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According to initial surveys, 14,806 Russian tourists stayed in the Spanish-speaking country. A process for their return to Russia has been agreed with the Russian tour operators. According to the main Ukrainian tour operator, 1903 visitors from there were staying in different hotels, where they were supposed to stay until a solution was found for their return home. The government will inquire at hotels regarding the needs of each family over the next 48 hours, it said. According to the information, visitors from the two countries make up around ten percent of the tourists in the Dominican Republic. In the first two months of this year alone there were almost 110,000.

The Honorary Consul of Ukraine in the Dominican Republic, Ilona Oleksandrivna, tearfully asked President Luis Abinader in a press conference on Tuesday to speak to help stranded Ukrainians. Some ended up on the streets for lack of money.

Russia attacked Ukraine last Thursday and was therefore hit with numerous sanctions by the West. The Russian tourists were probably affected by flight cancellations due to these sanctions once morest their country for the invasion of Ukraine.



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