Smokers, what if you switched to electronic cigarettes?

Since its arrival on the European market in 2010, the electronic cigarette, also called e-cigarette, vapoteuse or vaporette, is on the rise with the French. In France, there are already nearly 3 million vapers.

Today, the e-cigarette is becoming more and more an alternative to traditional cigarettes. It is indeed much less harmful and more advantageous in many respects.

The electronic cigarette, a less harmful alternative for smokers

According to a report from Public Health England, the British public health agency, vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking tobacco. A significant figure when we know that in France, tobacco is the leading cause of avoidable death, with more than 75,000 deaths per year.

Indeed, unlike the smoke produced by traditional cigarettes, the vapor of the e-cigarette does not contain carbon monoxide, tar or ammonia. Although the vaporette is not completely free of toxic substances, these are present in minute quantities.

Swapping your cigarette pack for an electronic cigarette therefore protects once morest most of the harmful effects associated with tobacco (yellowing of the fingers and teeth, waxy complexion, cough, etc.), but also the unpleasant smells of cold tobacco. In addition, with the e-cigarette, there is no risk of passive smoking.

The electronic cigarette can also be used as a smoking cessation aid. The High Authority for Health (HAC) itself considers that it is a “help to stop or reduce the consumption of tobacco by smokers”. According to Public Health France, at least 700,000 smokers have quit smoking thanks to electronic cigarettes (Source: National Academy of Medicine).

In addition to its low harmfulness, the electronic cigarette has other advantages compared to the traditional cigarette, on the economic and ecological level.

Indeed, while a pack of cigarettes costs 10 €, it is possible to find electronic cigarettes at around twenty euros, for a lifespan of 1 to 2 years.

On the other hand, the ecological impact is much less important. A cigarette butt takes 12 years to degrade and can pollute up to 500 liters of water: this is the world’s largest waste! While some components of the electronic cigarette, such as the battery, can be recycled.

How to choose your e-vape ?

The choice of electronic cigarette depends above all on the tastes and habits of the smoker (occasional smoker, heavy smoker, etc.). Here are some criteria to consider when choosing your e-cigarette:

  • the size of the electronic cigarette,
  • battery life,
  • the power of the e-cigarette,
  • aesthetics (color, design, etc.),
  • the capacity to contain the e-liquid,
  • the type of steam (hot, cold, etc.).

Regarding the choice of e-liquid, there are many possible flavors (fruit, chocolate, mint, coconut, etc.). You will also have to choose the nicotine level of your preference (from 0 to 18mg/mL). Also note that some e-liquids contain nicotine salts, which are intended for very heavy smokers to help them quit smoking permanently without feeling cravings.

On the site, you will find a wide range of electronic cigarettes with different brands and models; a wide range of e-liquids in various flavors, as well as accessories for all types of vapers, from beginners to experts, at very attractive prices.



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