Director of Inpec dismissed for Carlos Mattos exit scandal – Investigation – Justice

After the complaint of multiple exits, in vans of the Inpecof the controversial businessman Carlos Mattos, prosecuted for judicial corruptionSources from the Casa de Nariño confirmed to EL TIEMPO that the dismissal of the director of Inpec, General Mariano Botero Coy, was ordered.

(Also read: New scandal for repeated departures of Carlos Mattos from La Picota prison)

Sources also confirmed that the release of the director of La Picota prison was ordered, where Mattos should have been imprisoned and from which he left several times to an office in the north of Bogotá.

(More notes: Court confirms that Gonzalo Guillén is not a victim in the Mattos case)

Likewise, Mattos will be transferred to the maximum security prison of Cómbita, in Boyacá.

(Also read: Inpec, cornered by corruption and scandals)

Police sources indicated, for their part, that General Botero Coy will be called to qualify services, which means that he will leave the Police.

In accordance with Snail News, Mattos, who is responding in criminal proceedings for having bribed judicial officials to favor him with decisions in the notorious Hyundai case, not only would he have repeatedly left jail but he did so in a van from Inpec, the institute in charge of guard him in prison.

(Don’t stop reading: Medical permits, another corruption bomb in prisons)

In the follow-up carried out by the journalists, it is seen that Mattos leaves prison to an office in northern Bogotá, where he met with several people, including his lawyer, Iván Cancino, as well as another lawyer.

(You may be interested: After complaints of luxuries, the Comptroller inspected cells of Tapia and Mattos)

In November of last year Mattos had been extradited to Colombia from Spain, where for several years he had managed to evade justice in the country. After his extradition, an arrest measure had been ordered in prison, which, apparently, he flagrantly violated.

In fact, the television report not only recorded Mattos once going in the Inpec truck to an office in a building he owned in Bogotá, where he stayed until around 5 in the followingnoon.

(You may be interested: Judicial Discipline Section will investigate visits by lawyers to Mattos)

Days before, the news reported how Mattos left prison in the same Inpec truck with a medical excuse, and although he initially went to a clinic, which is not irregular, from there he later left in the same truck to his office in the north of Bogota.

(You may be interested: Judge acquits Álex Vernot of the crime of bribing witnesses in the Mattos case)

In an interview with Blue RadioGeneral Botero assured that his departure from Inpec following the Mattos scandal is a “political cost” and that he will answer for the responsibilities that are determined.

(We recommend you read: Mattos case: Prosecutor’s Office announced investigation for releases from prison)

Similarly, the general reported that This year alone Mattos has been out of prison six times, as he had five medical releases and one more due to a court order.



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