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European traders said it is believed that Tunisia’s Grain Office purchased around 100,000 tons of durum wheat in an international tender that closed on Wednesday 02/03.
The quantity exceeds 75 thousand tons that were required in the tender.
The purchase was made in four shipments, each of 25,000 tons, and it is believed that the entire quantity was purchased from the Casillo trading company, and the price is estimated at 634.89 dollars per ton, including shipping costs. Durum wheat is required for shipment at different periods according to the origin.
Shipping is required between the first of April and the 20th of the same month if the origin is the Mediterranean and southern Europe, and between March 25 and April 15 if the origin is from Western Europe, and between March 20 and the tenth of April if the origin is the United States, Canada or South america.
Algeria’s Professional Grain Office issued a tender for the purchase of durum wheat, which closes on Wednesday 02/03.