The press review of Wednesday March 2, H24info

Doctors: What’s the point of training more if they plan to leave!, “Made in Morocco” electricity is exported well, livestock and red meats: the resilience of the sector to the test of drought…, here are the main ones headlines from the national press published this Wednesday, March 2, 2022:

The Economist
Doctors: What’s the point of training more if they’re going to leave!

In 2020, public universities were to deliver 3,300 graduates, in accordance with the objectives set in 2010. They were ultimately only able to graduate some 1,732 doctors and dentists, barely half of the targeted workforce. Morocco continues to have a huge deficit in doctors (7.3 per 10,000 inhabitants). With the massive expatriation of medical doctors, the shortage continues to grow. A study by the epidemiology laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Casablanca shows the extent of the phenomenon. The study carried out between January 1 and 31, 2021 covered 251 students in their final year of studies. The result is edifying, whatever their socio-economic origin, 7 out of 10 (including 63.6% of women) expressed their intention to leave the country.

Today Morocco
Electricity “made in Morocco” exports well

The Kingdom confirms its status as one of the largest electricity producers in the area. A performance that comes with the rise of renewable energies in the national mix. The latest official figures on foreign trade show that the volume of exports in 2021 reached 851 GWh, corresponding to 2% of national production, i.e. the equivalent of the country’s hydroelectric production (excluding pumped energy transfer station). ). Performances that translate into a good performance in terms of foreign exchange earnings. Thus, these exchanges made it possible to achieve foreign currency earnings of more than 565 million dirhams, thus recording an increase of nearly 700% compared to the year 2020.

The morning
The employment rate is improving but without reaching its pre-crisis level

The population of working age reached 27,127,000 people in 2021. According to the latest note from the HCP on the characteristics of the employed working population, 12,280,000 of them are active, including 10,772,000 with a employment and 1,508,000 unemployed. The service sector remains the leading employer in the Kingdom with 45.8% of employed workers. Employees attract 51.8% of employed workers. According to the document, 52.9% of employed workers have no diploma. Only 25% benefit from job-related medical coverage. Finally, more than half of employees (54.6%) have no contract formalizing their relationship with the employer and 9.3% are underemployed.

Livestock and red meats: the sector’s resilience in the face of drought

While the emergency plan put in place by the government is being implemented, the impacts of the drought on breeders are sure to have repercussions on the red meat sector. After several years of growth and improvement of achievements, the sector has been going through a lean period for 3 years which is currently exacerbated due to the lack of pasture, the economic impact of the pandemic and the increase in prices. food inputs which constitute a significant part of the production costs of red meats. A situation which risks in the short term to lower the price of meat but which, in the medium and long term, might be detrimental to the safeguarding of the national herd.

Local authorities: Surplus of 3.4 billion dirhams at the end of 2021

The provisional situation of the charges and resources of local authorities shows an overall surplus of 3.4 billion dirhams (MMDH) at the end of December 2021, once morest an overall surplus of 257 million dirhams (MDH) recorded a year earlier, according to the General Treasury of the Kingdom (TGR). This surplus takes into account a positive balance of 1.4 billion dirhams generated by special accounts and ancillary budgets, specifies the TGR in its monthly local finance statistics bulletin for December 2021. The bulletin also reports an increase in ordinary revenue of 12.9% from the 25.7% increase in direct taxes following the increase in the municipal services tax (+26.7%), business tax (+36.2%), the tax on unbuilt urban land (+34.6%), the share of the regions in the proceeds of corporation tax (IS) and income tax (IR) (+12, 3%) and housing tax (+47.4%).

Al Massae
Coronavirus digs into the wounds of tourism professionals

At a time when a number of hotels have been closed in tourist cities such as Marrakech and Agadir, the number of tourists coming to classified tourist accommodation establishments has decreased by 59.5% in 2020, compared to – 80.7% for arrivals, whose number has increased to 1.4 million tourists. In an analysis of the potential of domestic tourism as a locomotive of the post-Coronavirus recovery, the Department of Studies and Financial Forecasts (DEPF), under the Ministry of Economy and Finance, explained that despite the uncertainties and measures restrictions imposed at the territorial level, domestic tourism has played a key role in absorbing shocks during the Covid 19 crisis.

Risslat Al Oumma
Benmoussa summons the unions to a new dialogue session

A few weeks following the signing of a periodic agreement, and concomitantly with the strike planned by the executives of the regional academies of education and doctors of the public service, Chakib Benmoussa, Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports , summoned the general secretaries of the most representative education unions to a new dialogue session on Wednesday. This meeting is the second of its kind following the adoption by the Government Council of three draft decrees to settle the files of four categories of teaching staff, following the agreement signed between the Ministry of National Education and the most representative unions. The decrees were aimed at settling the files of administrative executives (educational administrators), educational guidance and planning advisers, primary and secondary school teachers responsible for teaching outside their original cycle and teaching staff holding higher diplomas. .



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