Elden Ring: George RR Martin (Game of Thrones) responds to rave reviews

Game news Elden Ring: George RR Martin (Game of Thrones) responds to rave reviews

It’s been a few days now that players can finally travel through the Underworld to experience a journey as difficult as it is unforgettable. Yep, Elden Ring is finally out and the game is a smash critical acclaim, which seems to delight writer George RR Martin who helped develop the game.

10/10 not knowing what to do with it

Can’t deny it, Elden Ring is a huge critical success. The game is receiving accolades from all sides and is already ranked number one among the best games of all time by OpenCritic. FromSoftware’s open-world game also receives a 97 out of 100 rating on MetaCritic (a site that collects test scores from all over the world) since it gets almost the maximum score every time. IGN, VGC or even The Gamer, all opt for a 10/10, which is rare enough in the video game press to be underlined. This huge critical success obviously pleases George RR Martin, the writer to whom we owe the literary saga Game of Thrones.

The author of Game of Thrones is conquered

Although this is not the first time that George RR Martin has praised Elden Ring, today he takes the floor to thank the many feedback from the press and to praise at the same time the quality of the RPG from FromSoftware. Indeed, the screenwriter who enriched the lore of the series by drawing more inspiration from Western fantasy (one thinks of the Lords of the Rings and, of course, Game of Thrones), has just published a message on his official blog.

The wait is over. After years of preparation, Elden Ring was released last week and took the gaming world by storm, but don’t listen to me… FromSoftware hired me to do their worldbuilding, so I can’t claim to be objective. George R.R. Martin

The writer even takes the opportunity to link some tests and to quote the many superlatives with regard to Elden Ring such as “masterpiece”, “beautiful and brutal” or even “a sumptuous open world”. On his post, he also thanks Hidetaka Miyazaki, the game director, and his team.

Almost all credit goes to Hidetaka Miyazaki and his amazing team of game designers who worked on this title for half a decade or more and were determined to create the best video game ever. I’m honored to have met and worked with them, and to have played a role, however small, in the creation of this fantasy world and in the making of Elden Ring. George R.R. Martin

On our side, we put the note of 18 out of 20 at Elden Ring and we described this new license as “a spiritual sequel to Souls that is both ambitious and accessible.” Everything is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

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By JeromeJoffardWriting jeuxvideo.com




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