6 main benefits of drinking more water, including reducing anxiety and depression

Drinking a lot of water is necessary to maintain health (Getty)

No one disputes the importance drink waterHowever, recent studies have revealed that Drink plenty of water daily It can help reduce feelings of anxiety andDepressionAs well as reducing heart disease and controlling blood pressure levels.

Recently, the Australian health authorities began studying the impact of nutrients, including water, on mental health due to the high rates of fatigue, tension and nervousness. of a condition related to anxiety.

Although water makes up 60 to 80 percent of the human body, it is often overlooked as one of the most important nutrients, as scientific evidence shows that water plays a role in preventing and managing symptoms of anxiety.

Several years ago, a group of researchers conducted a review that focused on the different ways water affects health. The review found that negative emotions, such as anger, hostility, confusion, and stress, increase with water shortages, and that people who drink a lot of water tend to be calmer.

Another study in Australia found that people who drank five glasses of water a day were less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety, while drinking less than two glasses of water a day doubled the feeling of tiredness and fatigue, and the association between dehydration and anxiety in children, and its clear impact on sleep was also noted. , especially in infants.

Drinking more water helps children sleep (Getty)

Healthy, brain cells cannot function normally in cases of severe dehydration, and the reason is that “serotonin”, a neurotransmitter between brain cells, works to stabilize moods and regulate emotions, but during dehydration, organs struggle to obtain the chemicals needed to produce serotonin.

The main benefits of drinking water on human health

  • improve physical performance

The loss of water from the body negatively affects physical performance, especially during exercise, or during periods of high heat, and dehydration can have a noticeable impact on health, and therefore athletes are advised to keep their bodies hydrated to continue performing better.

  • Keeping the brain healthy

Drinking water can greatly affect energy levels, and thus brain function, and studies show that losing 1 to 3 percent of water in the brain can lead to impaired brain function.

Brain function is affected by dehydration (Getty)
  • Help prevent or treat headaches

Scientific research has shown that headache is one of the most common symptoms of dehydration, and a study, conducted on 393 people in the United States, found that 40 percent of them suffered from varying headaches as a result of dehydration.

  • Help get rid of constipation

Constipation is a common problem caused by a lack of bowel movement, and increased fluid intake is often recommended as part of treatment.

  • Help get rid of kidney stones

Urinary tract stones are hard masses that form inside the urinary system, and there is evidence that drinking more water helps prevent recurrence in people who have had kidney stones in the past.

  • Helping lose weight

Drinking a lot of water helps to lose weight for several reasons, including that water increases the feeling of satiety and increases the metabolic rate, which may increase the number of calories the body burns.

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