Sánchez announces measures so that Ukrainians in Spain can “live and work legally”

Pedro Sanchez

Pedro Sanchez

The president of the Government, Pedro Sanchezannounced this Monday measures to make life easier for Ukrainians living in Spain ante la war situation that your country is going through.

Sánchez, in an interview on Spanish Television, recalled that in Spain live about 100,000 Ukrainians and stressed that the Executive is going to adopt solutions aimed at extending its protection.

“We are going to make the decision to extend and take the measures so that they can live legally in our country, so that they can work legally, so that they can access to education, health and social policies as just another citizen,” he explained.

Government sources specified that this announcement “does not imply a regularization”but the streamlining of procedures to protect your situation, for example in the renewal of your documentation.

The sources also recalled that the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration has instructed the immigration offices to prioritize and streamline procedures Ukrainian citizens who are in Spain, and which is studying measures to facilitate the stay of those who may arrive.

While announcing these measures in favor of Ukrainian citizens, the President of the Government addressed the more than 70,000 Russians who live in Spain to assure them that Spain is a “Russian-loving” country. “We have nothing against Russia, against its people, which is suffering precisely the repression and an absolutely authoritarian regime for more than twenty years at the hands of Putin,” he said.

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