“Little Tina’s Wonderland” trial experience focuses on spells and melee combat experience. Is there anything wrong with the forbidden area of ​​fantasy skin? | 4Gamers

Following the “Forbidden Land 3” in 2019, “Little Tina’s Fantasy Paradise”, the latest work in the series that has been in violation for nearly three years, will finally be released in March.

This extension work evolved from the second-generation DLC is Gearbox’s long-awaited fantasy-style new work. Players will join the board game with little Tina as the GM to become an adventurer and start a crazy and funny adventure. This time, we were able to experience the trial version of this work first, and now let us use this short demo to show you this work together!

The total duration of this trial version is regarding 1.5 hours. This time, we will add a main quest of “Goblin has been unfairly persecuted the alliance”, and use two occupations to experience it.

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Let’s talk regarding careers first! Since the background of the story is a board game, the career setting this time is naturally full of fantasy style. There are a total of six occupations in the game, and in the trial version, we are only allowed to play “Grave Death Seed” and “Trick Assassin”.

Among them, the tomb of the dead is a legal profession similar to the necromancer, which can be used as a second battery or a substitute by summoning a half-lich partner. The trick assassin is an assassin character who specializes in critical strikes. Weapons with additional effects such as critical strikes are very suitable for this profession.

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It is worth mentioning that although there are not too many changes in the skill tree, this time a fairly TRPG-style matching point setting has been added. In addition to allocating skill points when players upgrade, they also need to allocate quality points to various abilities. These qualities can greatly affect the player’s passive abilities.

Although there is limited room for improvement in the experience version, the effect is not very obvious, but perhaps the development of Build in the future will be wider than the previous series.

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As for combat, it basically continues the style of the “Forbidden Land” series. Players can get weapons and armors from various gun factories in the game. Each of these equipment has its own characteristics, not only the type of ammunition, but also the range and the attached ability mechanism.

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The skills are more interesting. In addition to the two optional skills in this career, this time, players are also allowed to use various spells by changing their spell equipment, which is to replace the status of grenades.

There are quite a lot of types of these spells. For the tomb dead alone, there are slow circles, arcane missiles, shock waves, explosion spells, etc., trick assassins and even super handsome meteorites are available.

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In addition, this is also the first generation that allows players to bring their own melee weapons. Unfortunately, the two characters given to me in the beta version are not melee horns, and there is no way to play too many melee effects.

At present, it has not been observed that melee weapons have the same special characteristics as guns. At most, they only increase their damage when targeting specific races or armor. So let us directly use the official materials to show you the power of melee combat.

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As for the specific game experience… I personally think that the surprise is still full of its own characteristics. In addition to inheriting the sense of humor in the past (the author’s favorite small noise is still this time), the personal feeling of action in the combat part has been greatly strengthened.

In the past, the shooting of “Forbidden Land” was basically a barrage battle, and there was not much change in the mechanism except for hiding from cover and breaking some incoming objects. This time, I feel that the need for positioning is stronger. Although the gun is also the main weapon, the player needs to flexibly switch between distance and melee to avoid the enemy from approaching.

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And although this time is only a limited experience version, the author has not been able to experience some of the content of the trailer, but the official materials also include additional elements such as collectibles, interesting locations, multiplayer connections, and the operation screen of the big map. The actual content should be no less than “Forbidden Land 3”.

In addition, the game is also designed with a design similar to the peak level. There should be a considerable degree of planning for the ENDGAME elements, right?

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To sum up, “Little Tina’s Fantastic Paradise” is basically still a “Forbidden Land” in the skin of a fantasy TRPG.

The favorite elements in “Forbidden Land” are all here, black humorous plot and NPC, diverse guns, super evil spell system, full of characteristic BOSS battle, at least in this 1.5 hours of experience time In addition to the high difficulty of single player, the personal feeling is still the familiar old taste. Then, as long as the weapon system and playability are enhanced with the second generation as the standard, the rest should not need to worry too much.

“Little Tina’s Fantastic Paradise” is expected to be officially released on March 25. Players who like FPS games may wish to add it to their wish list first!



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