5 effective secrets to lower cholesterol without medication

Cholesterol is essential to the human body, but high levels can increase the risk of heart disease. Not all cholesterol is created equal. LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is known as “bad cholesterol” while HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is known as “good cholesterol” and VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein) carries triglycerides in the blood. “If you have high cholesterol, it can cause a heart attack and stroke,” says cardiologist Leslie Chu, MD, who explains, “The way it does that is that they get lodged in the blood vessels and block them. People also develop vascular dementia. So high cholesterol can also cause dementia.”
According to Dr. Zhou, if you have high cholesterol, here are five ways to lower it without medication, according to the “eat this not that” specialized medical website.

1- A healthy diet
If you want to lower cholesterol then you need to follow a healthy and balanced diet; The Mediterranean diet is backed by countless studies as being ideal for heart health.
“High cholesterol clogs the arteries,” says Julia Zumpano. “Eat should be done in a way that keeps the arteries open and clean because limited blood flow leads to heart attacks… The amount of research supporting the Mediterranean diet for cardiovascular health is enormous.” .and it has been shown to be very effective in managing heart disease.”

2- Doing sports
Regular exercise is not only good for your overall health and happiness, it can help lower your cholesterol. “Exercise is a great place to start if you’re trying to lower your LDL cholesterol…” But it doesn’t stop there, Cho says. The combination of exercise, a healthy diet and lifestyle choices makes the most impact.”
Here are the recommendations of the American Heart Association for adults:
Get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity, or a combination of both. It is preferable to distribute it throughout the week.
Add moderate to high-intensity muscle-strengthening activity (such as resistance or weights) at least two days a week.
Spend less time sitting. Even vigorous activity can counterbalance some of the risks of immobility.
Gain more benefits by exercising at least 300 minutes (5 hours) per week.
Gradually increase the amount and intensity over time.

3- Avoid or reduce alcohol intake
When it comes to lowering cholesterol, moderating (if not eliminating) alcohol intake can make all the difference. In one trial, people who stopped drinking for five weeks not only showed an impressive health improvement across the board, but also showed a nearly 5% reduction in their cholesterol.
“What we have is a very average group of Brits who don’t consider themselves drinkers. But stopping drinking for a month changes liver fat, cholesterol and blood sugar, and helps them lose weight,” says Kevin Moore, a consultant in liver health at University College London Medical School.

4- Weight loss
Weight loss is closely related to a healthy diet and exercise; It makes a huge difference when it comes to unhealthy cholesterol. “If you’re overweight or obese, shed those extra pounds. Losing weight helps lower LDL cholesterol. Even a small to moderate weight loss (just 10 to 20 pounds) can have an effect.”

5- Avoid smoking
If you’re serious regarding lowering cholesterol, don’t smoke (it’s linked to high LDL cholesterol), says Dr. Cho, who explains, “Smoking is really bad for your heart. Smoking really is one of the worst things you can do, not just for your heart, but for your brain and lungs and everything.” I know one of the sad stats is that young people smoke and think e-cigarettes are safe when they really aren’t.”



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