Belgians wishing to host Ukrainians can report to their municipality

Citizens wishing to show solidarity and offer temporary shelter to Ukrainians on the run while waiting for a permanent place of residence can register with their municipality, said a statement from the services of the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday. ‘Asylum and Migration, Sammy Mahdi.

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The amount of messages received from people is enormous“, explains Sammy Mahdi in the press release.Everyone wants to help. It is important that we have a coordinated approach. If you have space available and you are ready to receive people from Ukraine, don’t forget to let your municipality know.“, he continues.

A reception structure for Ukrainians on the run

All the partners and services that can play a role in this area have been brought together in a Task Force called “Protection and reception of Ukrainians“. Which, in consultation with the National Crisis Center and the provincial governors, has drawn up the reception structure for Ukrainians on the run.

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The federal government will provide a reception center in the former Jules Bordet hospital in Brussels. Ukrainians will be registered there, will be able to apply for automatic protection and will receive initial accommodation for a limited period.

From there, the dispatching will continue to the local administrations for accommodation. The municipalities, in collaboration with the National Crisis Centre, are responsible for coordinating accommodation on the ground.



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