how were the resorts on the holiday

More of three million tourists have mobilized during this carnival long weekend with significant occupancy levelsof more than 90% and even 100%, in different tourist centers, according to the information collected by the provinces and disseminated by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Nation.

From the portfolio led by Minister Matías Lammens, they pointed out that in addition to the seaside resortsespecially from the coast of the province of Buenos Aires -which is still in high season- and other well-known destinations such as Córdoba or Patagonia, places of the fluvial coastline and Northwest Argentina (NOA) for its wide range of celebrations.

Wide holiday Carnival 2022 20220228

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Wide holiday Carnival 2022 20220228

“With the long weekend of Carnival, a record summer season is crowned, which was very necessary to repair part of the economic damage caused by COVID-19. 2022 is the best of the last twenty yearsLammens said.

The most chosen destinations

The Coast

in the coastal provincesoccupancies above 90% were shown. The Governor of Entre Ríos, Gustavo Bordetaffirmed that this province is in “the best carnival weekend in 12 years“, with a tourist movement 20% higher than that registered before the coronavirus pandemic.

There is 100% occupancy in Gualeguaychú and Concepción del Uruguay; 97% in Gualeguay; 95% in Colón, San José and Victoria. In Santa Fe, Rosario had 97% and Melincué 100%; while Misiones had 90% in Puerto Iguazú94% in El Soberbio and 93% in San Ignacio.

Iguazú Falls, the Quebrada de Humahuaca and the Perito Moreno Glacier 20220104

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Iguazú Falls, the Quebrada de Humahuaca and the Perito Moreno Glacier 20220104

From the Iguazú Municipal Tourism Entity (Iturem) they announced that most of the hotels have “are full”thus surpassing the 91% of reservations prior to the Carnival holiday over its 15,000 available seats. Thus, they expect a large number of visitors to the Iguazú National Park (PNI).

Argentine Northwest (NOA)

The localities located in the Quebrada de Humahuaca and the city ​​of San Salvador de Jujuy They were the places that received the greatest tourist influx due to the carnival celebrations. The main destinations had a large public and generated full occupancy of its 12,000 hotel beds, sources in the sector reported.

100% registered in Purmamarca, Humahuaca and tilcara; 98% on San Salvador de Jujuy. In Salta, there were 90% in Cafayate and Moldes; 96% in Cachi; 95% in San Lorenzo; and 93% in Rosario de la Frontera. In Tucumán, 95% were reported in Tafí del Valle; 98% in San Javier and Yerba Buena; 93% in El Cadillal; 91% in Amaicha del Valle; 100% in Fiambalá and 95% in Villa Unión.

Buenos Aires

The Undersecretary of Tourism of the province of Buenos Aires, Soledad Martinezindicated that “record and historic season confirmed” and stressed that “the final numbers still need to be finalized but we have a occupation close to 90% in all destinations“.

Season 2022: How much does it cost to spend the summer on the Argentine coast

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Season 2022: How much does it cost to spend the summer on the Argentine coast

The most prominent districts were Mar del Platawith 90% occupancy in its 36,000 formal places (it has 350,000 informal ones); Villa Gesell, Pinamar and Mar Chiquita with 95% occupancy; and the Partido de la Costa, Tandil, Tigre and Nechochea with 90% of their seats taken. In San Antonio de Areco and Sierra de la Ventana, tourists covered 100% of the hotel beds.

Saint Louis and Cordoba

The long carnival weekend generated income of 1,087,594,424 pesos from tourism to the economy of saint Louiswhere a tourist accommodation occupancy level of 96.7% was recorded over its more than 35,000 enabled places, reported the Provincial Secretary of Tourism.

On the other hand, from the province of Córdoba reported that their main destinations achieved hotel occupancy above 95%: this is the case of Villa Carlos Paz (95%), Villa General Belgrano (97%), Santa Rosa de Calamuchita (100%), Mina Clavero (95%), Nono (100 per cent) and Villa Cura Brochero (97%), among others.

Wide holiday Carnival 2022 20220228

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Wide holiday Carnival 2022 20220228


In the southern region of the country, the trend of the record summer season continues, with 90% occupancy in San Carlos de Bariloche100% in Las Grutas, 95% in Viedma, 95% in San Martín de los Andes, 85% in Villa La Angostura, 95% in Puerto Madryn, 85% in Esquel, 90% in El Calafate, 95% in El Chaltén and 90% in Ushuaia.

Regarding the government of the province of Río Negro, it reported that the region of its coast held this holiday figures greater than 97% occupancyon average.



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