they were declaring the droughtlack a little water andrain.amber: let’s see theextended forecast.kariuska: we start a weekemployment and added possibilityof rain we have close to 50%,40 alárea de melbourne.chance of rain, hold onumbrella but I’m notforecasting flood, greatpart of the morning will have todo your errands you cando calmly, followinga panorama with temperature of73° following noonthey are approaching 77° mudat 2:00 p.m. onumbrellas in your locality candevelop somedownpours, watch our latestmuch of the rain hascaused a wire front seánweak downpours, can leavefrom work at five we canearly morning stillsome downpourspassengers talking regarding this mondaymust be monitoringallergens, here we are goingbe monitoring, this pollenis the one with the highest concentrationat high levels, with respect toweed pollen is addedtiered fungal sporeshigh, if you are sensitivepossibly it will besneezing frequently,take tissues and medicinesallergy because we are going to bemonitoring that much ofthe week I will bring you theupdates of coursemaítima the swell up to fourfeet and is provokingdangerous ocean currentswe have been talking regarding theseThey can drag even theexpert swimmers, that is whyyou should try to stayoutside the maritime zone yesvisit our beach pleasea lifeguard nearbyavoid tragedies.early morning little morecool we’ll be risingin orlando with 58°, still inwinter, we still placecoats in the morningon the coast, activityprecipitation andtemperatures will continue inhigh 50° towards ocala thattomorrow dawns 51°, thentoday’s rain activitywill be scarce in the center offlorida, tomorrow may dawna little windy somedownpours with temperature