Electronic cigarette: a solution to quit smoking?

Tobacco is a societal problem that has been going on for years. Cancers, respiratory problems, bodily damage. Less expensive and advertised as less dangerous, the electronic cigarette seems to be the right alternative. With different tastes and an adjustable level of nicotine, they would improve the health of smokers.

“How I smoked for 40 years. “Jean Claude Rousseau, 67, runs an electronic cigarette store on Place Garibaldi. The former smoker has changed his Marlboros into an electronic device that has been a hit since 2010. According to France vapotage, with the appearance of these E-cigarettes, nearly 1.6 million French people have quit smoking. Behind a Plexiglas plate, the shopkeeper talks regarding the benefits of the electronic cigarette: “Since I started using the electronic cigarette, my breath is gradually coming back, in the morning the coughing problems are reduced and the smell of cigarette disappeared. It’s a pleasure. “In addition to being beneficial on the physical, it is especially at the economic level that it is advantageous confirms Guillaume Faure, 27 years old: “When I smoked, I bought myself a cartridge every week. I ended up with an empty bank account and that’s partly because of smoking. Today, tastes last longer and I manage to manage my money better. “

Economic reduction, better lifestyle, but is the electronic cigarette less dangerous than “traditional” tobacco? According to the English public health agency, vapers are 95% less harmful than cigarettes. A general practitioner from Nice, who wishes to remain anonymous, explains: “the big advantage of electronic cigarettes is that it’s not inhaled smoke, it’s vapour. The tobacco that is present in cigarettes contains more than 80 carcinogenic substances. “Each year in France, there are more than 18,000 deaths from tobacco-related cardiovascular disease. Studies have proven that for the moment, there is not yet a link between these diseases and electronic cigarettes. The electronic cigarette still poses several risks. Addiction, the presence of carcinogens in some of the products, etc. But personally, I think it’s less harmful than all the substances that can be found in tobacco. “Concludes the doctor.

Insufficient Solution

Despite many benefits, vapes aren’t for everyone: “It’s not strong enough for me. No matter how much I increase the nicotine level, I can’t manage to satisfy myself with that” explains Magalie Chauvin, 40. Sitting on a bench in Place Garibaldi, Jack Coletti cannot fill his lack: “For for me, it’s just a supplement. I continue to buy cigarettes. I have my little rituals that the electronic cigarette does not fulfill.” For Nathalie Ascensao Da Sousa, the problem is different: “It’s not so much the nicotine that I miss. I have the impression of having eliminated an addiction, but that a new one has been created…” Even if the popularity of the 2.0 cigarette increases every year, the mortality rate is still high, more than 8 million deaths per year according to the world health organization.



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