Priyanka Chopra shared some pictures from her Sunday trip with her husband Nick Jonas. The actress shared an Instagram reel containing her selfies in a car, some of which also feature Nick. Priyanka Chopra added AJR’s song ‘The Good Part’ in the background. The couple has maintained a small profile since welcoming their first child in January. Read also: Priyanka Chopra’s mother Madhu Chopra responds to being ‘nanny’, says baby has no name yet: ‘Waiting for Pandit’
Priyanka wears a white shirt for her Sunday outing with her newly highlighted hair untied. Nick Jonas is seen in the driver’s seat in a black jacket. In the caption, Priyanka added a sun, a car and heart icons.
One fan commented on the post, “Oh so beautiful. Hope you enjoy the good times together. Another responded, “Love Blurry Nick in the background.” Another fan asked: “Madame Unka, did you blur the photo?” (Why did you blur his photos?) ”One fan wrote,“ I was waiting for Baby Chopra Jonas’ photo, but it’s okay. “
In January, Priyanka and Nick announced the birth of their first child. They shared a joint statement: “We are delighted to confirm that we have welcomed a baby through a rental womb. We respectfully request privacy at this particular time of our family focus. Thank you very much.”
Recently, Priyanka’s mother Dr Madhu Chopra celebrated the 14th anniversary of her clinic. When asked regarding her granddaughter, she said at the ceremony, “Nani bane to bahut bahut khushi hui muje (I am very happy to be a grandmother). I always just smile. I am very happy. She said the baby has not yet been named as she is waiting for the priest’s instructions.
Priyanka last acted in The Matrix Resurrection starring Keenu Reeves. She has just finished shooting for her first web series, Citadel, and the romantic comedy Text for You. In Bollywood, she will star opposite Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt in Farhan Akhtar’s Jee Le Sarai.