Mistreatment, lack of equipment and health, this is the care at the ISSSTE Saltillo hospital

SALTILLO, COAH.- Although he was denied VANGUARD access to ISSSTE High Specialty Hospitalit was possible to talk with relatives of a patient hospitalized in the area of intensive carewho made some remarks regarding the deficiencies that exist in the medical service that this clinic offers.

Yesterday when they had to check his pressure there were not enough doctors”, was the first complaint of one of the relatives of the 55-year-old patient who had to be Underwent surgery since last February 16 due to a hepatic cirrhosis.

Added to this complaint was the health aspect of the clinic, since the family from Vines of the Source observed traces of vomit on the floor of one of the hospital corridors.

Since this morning we have been reporting a vomit in the corridor that they have not been able to clean, we have gone with three different people and the cleaning staff has not come, it is something very simple, but it has a lot to do with the disposition of the staff, with the attention What is offered in this clinic?”, explains one of the affectedwho wanted to omit his general data.

$!Relatives of ISSSTE patients awaiting communication and care with doctors.

Relatives of ISSSTE patients awaiting communication and care with doctors.

Regarding medical care, he emphasized that some of the appliances for provide treatments they do not worklike the one used to make scans computerized.

What did bother us at the time was that my brother required a tomography to find out the state of his brain because he was draining white fluid following surgery, they told us it might be a brain mass, we were alarmed and asked why they didn’t they did the tomography and it turned out that the device did not work, we went to Management, we asked and they told us that they did not know when they were going to fix it”, explains one of the relatives of the patient 55 years old.

She explained to the management that her brother was in a serious health condition and required a tomography that might not be performed at that time, a situation that was reported to the doctor, however, no immediate response even though it was an emergency.

I know that it is a situation that is not within our reach, but what we wanted was for the neurosurgeon who operated on him, Dr. Jeisi, to see him and assess him, we had been looking for him since the day before and that same day and he was here, the device did not work and we were desperate, we went to the medical office and asked for the doctor, they explained that he came in at 2 and despite the emergency he never came, they gave us two, three, five and the doctor He didn’t come until he might.”,

When he came, he told us that there is an evident deterioration in the patient’s health, that the device to make a tomography does not work, but he told us that it was not necessary to do that study, that it was not urgent and that there was simply nothing left to do. do“, Explain.

IT MAY INTEREST YOU: ISSSTE Saltillo remains without specialists; they denounce which management makes them resign

$!Lack of sanitation, diagnostic equipment, mistreatment and lack of communication, as described by the patients.

Lack of health, diagnostic equipment, mistreatment and no communication, as described by patients.

Another of the situations denounced by the affected was the lack of communication among health professionals, which reduces the Quality of the medical attention that is provided to beneficiariessince, in the case of his brother, the doctors and nurses avoided disclosing the patient’s health status among themselves, despite the fact that it is their job.

The nurses told us, why didn’t you let him drain? doctor and she tells me, “it’s that if I ask him he gets upset”, because of professional zeal or I don’t know why”, dice.

I feel that they put us in the middle of the situation and I told the doctor that, why didn’t they put that to drain it and the only thing he told us was: I know my job”, exposes the affected.



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