For several years has been held the Steam Néo Fest, a festival of demos offered by the platform Steam. This year is no exception to the rule, with this fourth edition of the Steam Néo FestWhere Steam Next Fest in English. The latest edition took place in October 2021.

The platform of Valve invites you from February 21 to 28 for its demo festival.

For seven days, from February 21 to 28, gamers will have access to several hundred demos, 628 to be exact, to download via Steam. But that’s not all, because during this period, live broadcasts will also be available.

There is something for everyone, action games, adventure games, role-playing games, RPGs, platform games, strategy games and even VR games. You will inevitably find your happiness among the 628 demos offered.

Try demos: hover over the game that interests you and install its demo by clicking on the button that appears. Try one, or a dozen!

Catch live streams: You’ll find the schedule of scheduled streams at the top of the festival page. Most of the time, it’s the members of the development teams in person who play their game and answer your questions. Click the chat icon at the bottom of the broadcast to join the conversation.

Add your favorite titles to your wishlist: a game interests you and you want to know when it will be released? Hover over it and click the star icon in the top right to add it to your wishlist. A nice little e-mail will be sent to you the day of its release.

Proofread and corrected by: Aquilae



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