DIRECT. Covid-19: “There is a time when the virus will no longer be talked about”, assures Véran

The essential

  • Incidence rate and positivity rate continue to decline sharplybut remain above the peaks of all previous waves.
  • “We are more optimistic and more confident than ever regarding the end of this health crisis,” said Gabriel Attal, government spokesperson. He is betting on the end of the vaccination pass and the mask inside, perhaps “mid-March”.
  • The latest assessment in 24 hours in France reports 213 dead. 26,881 people in hospital also have Covid-19 once morest 30,578 a week earlier. 2753 are in critical care once morest 3126 a week earlier.
  • In the world, the pandemic has killed more than 5.9 million people. More than 10 billion doses of vaccine have been injected.


Taiwan to reopen to business travelers in March

Taiwan unveils its plan to reopen its borders to business travelers in March and to reduce quarantine on arrival on its soil. Restrictions will be relaxed from March 7 for foreigners traveling on business. The mandatory quarantine for any arrival in the territory will be reduced from fourteen to ten days, with a week of observation at home. The obligation to wear a mask and certain other restrictions will also be relaxed from March 1.


Vaccination pass postponed in Guadeloupe

The prefect of Guadeloupe indicated Wednesday evening that he was postponing the application of the vaccination pass on the island at least to March 28, but that the final decision will be fixed for mid-March. At the beginning of February, the prefect Alexandre Rochatte had announced that the vaccination pass would come into force in two stages in Guadeloupe from March 7 for cultural establishments open to the public, then from March 21 for establishments open to the public, in particular sporting events, hotels and restaurants.


Optimism and caution

“We are optimistic and confident, but no one can know what the next few months have in store for us,” says Olivier Véran. “If certain protective measures are relaxed, we will nevertheless remain collectively cautious. »


Veran’s warning

“No one can tell you that the crisis will either be over or will continue,” recalls Olivier Véran. “There is a point in time when the virus will no longer be talked regarding”, he specifies however. “We must not disarm ourselves, we must keep our state apparatus mobilized to face any eventuality. »


More than 54 million French people have started to be vaccinated

“The vaccine is the most effective protection once morest the risk of developing a serious form of the disease”, recalls Olivier Véran. “Today, more than 54 million of our fellow citizens have received at least one dose. »


“The social state responded present”

“The social state responded present. It was the whole meaning of whatever it takes. Social Security has proven to be an extremely valuable asset. “says Olivier Véran. “When everything seems fragile and uncertain, social protection is a solid benchmark. »

“Partial unemployment has saved millions of jobs. Poverty has not exploded in our country. This is the richness of our social protection, ”he insists.


“The rule of law has never been suspended”

Olivier Véran believes that “the rule of law has never been suspended” since 2020. “Our only compass has been the health of the French. “He adds that” we do not decide to close schools, restaurants, museums out of fantasy. We do not decide to confine an entire country to make ourselves dizzy. We do it because it is a vital issue”.


Véran submits the lifting of the vaccination pass to the pursuit of health improvement

Olivier Véran returns to the recent reductions in restrictions due to “the improvement in the health situation”. “If this positive trajectory is confirmed, we might consider lifting the pass in mid-March in all or part of the places as well as the mask in closed places”. “It is with vigilance, but also with optimism that we can consider the evolution of the situation in the coming weeks and the return to a life that I would describe as normal”, he adds, denying any alignment of the calendar of lifting of restrictions with that of the elections.


Veran’s tribute

Olivier Véran pays tribute to the 137,000 French people who died from Covid-19. “I think of them first. “He also greets the caregivers, whom he describes as” white hussars of the Republic “.


Olivier Véran at the Assembly

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, speaks in the National Assembly as part of a debate on the health crisis.


New Caledonia repeals the vaccination obligation

New Caledonia repeals the vaccination obligation, which had been decided at the beginning of September for sensitive sectors and the general population, taking into account the “new health context”. This decision comes following Caledonian elected officials have already twice postponed the deadlines for the deliberation on the vaccination obligation, voted unanimously on September 3. This introduced an obligation to vaccinate without sanction for the entire adult population and with sanction for professionals in sensitive sectors and people at risk. These sanctions were to apply on February 28, but caused controversy.


The most disadvantaged are less vaccinated

Being vaccinated once morest Covid-19 strongly depends on the socio-economic situation, according to a survey by the Drees (Direction of research, studies, evaluation and statistics) and Inserm (National Institute of Health and medical research). It is the standard of living that appears to be the most discriminating. 55% of adults whose standard of living is below the first decile (the 10% of people with the lowest standard of living) were vaccinated, compared to 88% of adults whose standard of living is above the last decile (the 10% the wealthiest). 65% of workers or former workers are vaccinated once morest 83% of managers or former managers. 70% of people without a diploma are vaccinated but 79% among holders of a diploma greater than or equal to a bac+5. Finally, immigrants from a country outside Europe and their descendants are less vaccinated than the adult population as a whole, respectively 59% and 53%.


Face-to-face courses in Peru

Peru will resume face-to-face classes in March following two years of online teaching. In early February, the government began vaccinating 3.7 million children between the ages of 5 and 11.


Hong Kong allows staff from mainland China to practice in its territory

The Hong Kong government is allowing doctors and nurses from mainland China to come and practice on its territory, fearing that its health system will be overwhelmed by the increase in new cases. Doctors from mainland China are currently not allowed to practice in Hong Kong without passing local exams and without being licensed.


350,000 expired vaccines in the Dominican Republic

Having missed the expiry date, the Dominican Republic will destroy more than 350,000 doses of vaccines, mainly AstraZeneca.


Convoy of truckers in the United States

Dozens of truck drivers and other demonstrators opposed to the sanitary measures implemented once morest Covid-19 formed a “convoy” in southern California on Wednesday which must cross the United States to protest in Washington, the capital, 4200 km from the starting point. The arrival is scheduled for March 5. Covid-19 vaccines and mask-wearing have become a fault line in American society; their refusal is a marker of political affiliation.


The phone call from Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II, positive for Covid-19, held her weekly telephone audience with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson as planned on Wednesday. On Tuesday, the 95-year-old sovereign had canceled scheduled engagements online, with the palace explaining that she was “still showing mild cold-like symptoms”.


End of restrictions in Slovakia

Slovakia will allow from Saturday all restaurants, hotels, aquatic centers and sports halls to accept unvaccinated customers.




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