Solar Orbiter captures first panorama of prominence eruption | Sun panorama | Solar Orbiter | Plasma

[Epoch Times, February 23, 2022](The Epoch Times reporter Di Rui compiled and reported) The European Space Agency (ESA) released a spectacular picture on February 18.sun panoramain particular, when the sun was eruptingprominence(Solar prominence). This is the first panoramic photo of the sun with a prominence ever taken.

This isSolar OrbiterPhoto by (Solar Orbiter). The probe was designed and built by the European Space Agency, with some funding from NASA.

A blog post published by the European Space Agency said that capturing this photo on February 15 was a rare opportunity, and that a number of just-in-time factors came together to capture this photo.

First, the probe was located far enough from the sun that day that there was just some vacancy on the edge of the Full Sun Image, allowing the entireprominenceThe structure is also included in the photo. What does that mean? If this prominence eruption occurred in March, when the probe was closer to the sun, it would not be able to take such a complete picture. On March 26, the probe will reach its closest point to the sun this year.

Second, the eruption of the prominence this time is just in the direction away from the earth.If it is in the direction of the earth, the powerful eruptionplasmaSubstances can affect detector performance.

Both prominences and solar flares are powerful solar mass ejection events. The difference is that the flare is a sudden eruption, the energy is absorbed back by the sun immediately.In the prominence incident, a large number ofplasmaThe matter is ejected into space, and under the action of the strong gravitational field around the sun, the matter forms an arched structure outside the sun, which is shaped like an “ear” and is named prominence.

The arch in the upper left corner of the photo is the prominence captured this time. Although its very edges are a bit blurry, if you zoom in and look closely, you can easily see a clear arc.

Another difference from flares is that prominences usually last for weeks or even months. ◇

Responsible editor: Ye Ziwei#



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