In 2021 we grew more than 10%, how did the pandemic stop us?

“There is no money better invested than the one invested in education, science and technology” and he affirmed that the Government is interested in “real development”, with a federal perspective, he assured. “We want all of Argentina to grow, not just to invest in the capital city but in all of Argentina; that is real development,” he said.

Weeks ago the Minister of Economy, Martin Guzmanreaffirmed a growth of almost 10% of the GDP for last year, data confirmed by INDEC, and assured that the favorable numbers they are the product of the “economic policy” of the national government. “With this evolution of the activity consistent with the economic policy for the recovery that we are carrying out, we project a GDP growth for 2021 of almost 10%”, highlighted the head of the Treasury last October.

According to Alberto Fernández, the Government has to “distribute work and investment, not social assistance” and, on the other hand, he vindicated the work of scientists, especially during the coronavirus pandemic. “We have such capacity; Argentine vaccines are being created, we have the scientific capacity to be able to do it and we have the industry capable of producing it,” Held.

The event was attended by the Minister of ScienceTechnology and Innovation, Daniel Filmusand the head of the R+D+i Agency, Fernando Peirano.

The plan will begin to be executed with the allocation of 6,000 million pesos to projects that will be carried out in scientific institutions and universities throughout the country. In addition, the initiative also promotes actions aimed at SMEs and technological initiatives that can provide solutions to the structural problems of social and economic development.



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