Increase in the number of business creations in 2021

The number of companies and start-ups in Switzerland grew at an accelerated pace in 2021, despite the pandemic. By sector, it is in retail trade that the most significant increase was recorded.

The number of companies increased by 3.4% last year, following an increase of 2.8% in 2020, the company Crif indicated on Wednesday in its latest statement. By canton, Schwyz and Zug come out on top, with an increase of 4.7%, ahead of Thurgau (+4.5%) and Solothurn (+4.0%).

As for business start-ups, they clearly increased by 7.9% to 50,544 units. Zurich (8864), Vaud (4825) and Bern (4401) occupy the first three steps of the podium, but compared to the size of the population, it is the small canton of Schaffhausen which takes first place, with a growth of 27.4%.

By sector, retail comes first, with 4,313 new companies, ahead of management consulting (3,697) and construction (3,492). In the financial sector, business start-ups grew by 18%. The wholesale trade sector, on the other hand, saw business creations fall by 7.2% compared to 2020.




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