The Egyptian artist, Mohamed Ramadan, posted a new video clip on his “Instagram” account, as he brushes his teeth with gold paste.
The video, during which Ramadan appeared naked from the upper part, and was brushing his teeth to the tune of his song “Recurring”, according to the Masrawy website.
Ramadan commented on the video, saying: “Good morning, my 24k toothpaste.”
The song “Mutauda” by the artist Mohamed Ramadan with the Algerian rapper Solking, which is inspired by a famous sentence by the artist Adel Imam in the play “Shahid Mashfesh Hajja”.
It is worth noting that Mohamed Ramadan is participating in the Ramadan 2022 series, with the series “Al Mishwar”, which is brought together by the great director Mohamed Yassin, written by Mohamed Farid, starring Dina El Sherbini, and a large group of art stars.
Mohamed Ramadan recently released a secondary song, Bye Bye, in the style of a video clip.
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