which retirees are eligible this week?

PREMIUM INFLATION. 12 million pensioners should receive the inflation bonus this week. But then, are you one of the beneficiaries? We take stock.

[Mis à jour le 23 février 2022 à 12h08] Retirees are last served! After having waited several months since the introduction of the inflation bonus, our seniors will finally be able to benefit from it. The transfer will appear in their bank account in the hours or days to come, labeled “inflation compensation”. Depending on the processing time of banking transactions from your bank, the 100 euros might take between 1 and 5 days to reach you. But then, which retirees are eligible for the inflation bonus? Here is the full list:

  • Beneficiaries of a pension from the general scheme
  • Retirees not receiving any pension from the general scheme
  • Retirees with a personal activity
  • Beneficiaries ofAAH
  • Invalidity pension recipients
  • Beneficiaries of asbestos early retirement
  • Beneficiaries of an early cessation of activity
  • Beneficiaries ofASPA
  • Retirees with combined pension employment
  • Retirees in progressive retirement
  • Recipients of a survivor’s pension

Please note that two sine qua non conditions persist with regard to obtaining the inflation bonus as a retiree: reside in France and receive a retirement pension less than 2,000 euros net monthly. The transfer is automatic, no action on your part is necessary.

Good to know, the payment of the inflation bonus will end on Monday, February 28, 2022. After this date, all 38 million beneficiaries are supposed to have received the compensation. However, some have still not seen the color. Therefore, a new government platform will be put in place immediately following, mars 2022 in order to allow those “forgotten” regarding the inflation bonus to make a complaint.

If you are retired and meet the two mandatory conditions, the inflation bonus of 100 euros will be paid to you during February 2022. No specific date has yet been announced. Please note that you will not receive your inflation bonus at the same time as your pension payment. To claim it, here are the two essential conditions: to be French resident and have a retirement pension less than 2,000 euros net per month. If you receive a pension from general schemel’Retirement insurance will pay you the prime inflation in the amount of 100 euros. Remember that the service of pensions of the State will pay this premium only if the Retirement insurance or the MSA does not pay it.

The payment of the allowance will be provided in February 2022 by the pension and occupational health insurance fund (CARSAT) to retirees receiving at least one pension from the general scheme. Here is an inventory of the different paying agencies depending on your situation:

  • Retired not receiving any pension from the general scheme: Pension fund
  • Retired with a professional activity: Employer
  • Retired beneficiary of theAAH attached to the general scheme: Caf
  • Retired beneficiary of a disability pension: Fund paying invalidity pension

Regarding the beneficiaries of a asbestos early retirement (early retirement allowance for asbestos workers, ACAATA) if the level of pension paid is less than 2 000 euros net per month, this time the inflation bonus will be paid by the employer. Beneficiaries of early termination of activity (end-of-activity leave), subject to compliance with the income conditions and beneficiaries of the solidarity allowance for the elderly (ASPA) are also involved. Important, the inflation bonus will not be paid to you with your pension! The payment is totally independent and no action is to be taken. The transfer is made automatically by the pension fund concerned. In addition, the sum paid is not taxable and cannot be taken into account in the calculation of your resources for the allocation of social assistance such asASPA. Finally, the State Pensions Service may be called upon to pay the inflation bonus, only if the Pension Insurance or the MSA don’t pay it.

Retirees working in cumulative employment retirement or under the phased retirement will also receive the compensation within the framework of their activity, paid by their employer or for the self-employed, the organization in charge of the payment.

The inflation allowance will be paid to people whose earned income or replacement income is less than €2,000 net per month. It will be granted to persons receiving allowances and social benefits.
The list of the main categories of beneficiaries is as follows:

  • Employees of private employers, including apprentices and beneficiaries of a professionalization contract
  • Public officials
  • Recipients of early retirement
  • Self-employed workers
  • Author artists
  • Job seekers and vocational training trainees
  • Recipients of invalidity pensions
  • Retired persons, including beneficiaries of survivor’s pensions
  • Scholarship students and those receiving housing aid
  • Young people on a support path to employment or in civic service or volunteering for integration
  • Beneficiaries of social minima

The bonus of 100 euros is granted on an individual basis. In other words, the composition of the household is not taken into account to determine eligibility for inflation compensation. Thus, a couple can receive up to 200 euros, ie 100 euros each or only 100 euros if only one of the spouses meets the income conditions (see below). In total, 38 million French people will benefit from the 100 euro inflation check.

But who is affected? To determine eligibility for the inflation allowance, the government has determined a ceiling: are therefore concerned French people who earn less than 2,000 euros net per month – before application of the withholding tax -, regardless of their status and profession. To determine the reference salary, the executive has chosen the month of October 2021. Would you like to know more regarding the 100 euro bonus? Linternaute.com answers all your questions. Consult our dedicated file now:

To be eligible, you must win less than 2,000 euros net per month, i.e. 2,600 euros gross for the month from October 2021, whether you are a civil servant, employee, self-employed or retired. Note: this ceiling of 2,000 euros net corresponds to your remuneration before deduction at source. On the payslip, it will therefore simply be necessary to check the line “net payable before income tax“, above “net payable”.

Please note: if you are on a short contract (excluding temporary work), the payment of the 100 euro bonus is not automatic “if the cumulative working time with the same employer is less than 20 hours”, warns the government in its file of hurry. “It will assume that the beneficiary expressly reports to one of his employers, preferably the one with whom the employment relationship is still ongoing, or failing that the one for which they worked the most hours during the month of October. “. What regarding other situations? Linternaute.com summarizes them for you:

  • For retirees : you receive the minimum old age (ASPA) or the total amount of your pensions (general scheme, supplementary, survivor’s pension, etc.) is less than 2,000 euros net in October 2021. “The assessment of resources will be made on the basis of the amount of basic and supplementary retirement pensions (eg AGIRC-ARRCO), including survivors’ pensions [du mois d’octobre 2021]“, it says.
  • For independents: you must have been active in October 2021 and have declared to the Urssaf or the MSA an activity income of less than 2,000 euros net per month “for the year 2020”, it is indicated. “The net income retained is that calculated during the annual declaration of income”, it is recalled. “If the activity is created over the period January-October 2021, this condition will be considered satisfied”.
  • For the self-employed : your turnover must be at least equal to 900 euros between January 1, 2021 and September 30, 2021. “This amount must also correspond to an average income of 2,000 euros net per month over the period, which corresponds , taking into account the application of tax deductions according to the nature of their activity, to an average monthly turnover of: €4,000 for craftsmen; €6,897 for traders; €3,030 for the liberal professions”, we complete in the press kit.
  • For job seekers : you must not be working and your allowance must be less than 2,000 euros net.

You have the possibility of carrying out a simulation on the site of the government in addition to all the information present on the platform. Let yourself be guided by answering the questions asked.

The inflation bonus is paid between December 2021 and February 2022. Payment must be made through several channels, depending on the beneficiary’s situation. Here is the payment schedule envisaged by the government:

  • End of December 2021: this is the date on which employees received their inflation compensation, directly on their payslip. The employer is responsible for the payment, before being compensated by the State in a second step. The self-employed are also affected by this deadline (the Urssaf then take care of the payment), as are scholarship students (compensated by the Crous).
  • End of January 2022 : the State proceeds to the payment of the inflation allowance for civil servants, jobseekers (via Pôle emploi), invalids, students receiving APL and recipients of social minima (via the Family Allowance Fund).
  • February 2022 : it is at this deadline that retirees must receive inflation compensation, via their pension fund.

Are you one of the categories of beneficiaries who should have already received the inflation bonus, even before February 2022 for some? We recommend that you first contact the organization or company that should make the transfer to your bank account. No dedicated inflation premium issue is currently available on any platform. Don’t know who to contact? Here is a list of preferred contacts below:

  • Employee: employer
  • Student : Crous
  • Jobseeker : Employment center
  • Cross-border worker: Tax Center
  • Recipients of social benefits: Caf
  • Farmers: MSA
  • Non-agricultural self-employed: Urssaf

Also, some professions still do not know the exact date of payment of the inflation bonus. It should not delay any longer and should take place in February 2022. In particular, 300,000 self-employed entrepreneurs are concerned, whose bank details (RIB) are not known to Urssaf. In this case, Urssaf is supposed to contact the beneficiaries concerned and pay the inflation bonus in the next few days, at the beginning of February 2022. Author artists, beneficiaries of a disability pension and self-employed sailors are also concerned and are awaiting payment of their compensation of 100 euros.

It is also important to remember that employees of private employers on sick leave on October 31 or jobseekers struck off from Pôle Emploi, subsequently taken in charge by Social Security, did not receive the inflation bonus either. . In this sense, the government would work on the creation of a dedicated website to those “forgotten” of the inflation bonus. A brand new platform that would allow those who still have not received it to claim it in due form. Launch of this new site? Mars 2022. Today, no such service exists, hence the confusion of some beneficiaries.



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