Energy bill: “It may be interesting to block a fixed contract”, but you have to keep a good reflex, reminds Test Achats

Rise in gas and electricity prices, crisis in Ukraine which might worsen the situation: all Belgians have seen their purchasing power decrease, with concrete consequences for a good number of them. This Wednesday 23 February, RTL info is mobilizing to respond to your questions related to your energy bills. Answers from experts, but also analysis and testimonials, will follow one another throughout the day. From 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., you can reach Test Achats experts at 0800 23 530.


“More interesting to block a fixed contract”, on one condition

After an hour of calling, there is really a concern that comes up very often. Many people are lost: what to do? Which contract to choose? Julie Frère, spokesperson for Test-Achat, answered them this: “A fixed-rate contract gives you a bit of security, you know what you’re going to pay each month. But we are in a period where prices are high, so you have to have the discipline to check, every 3 or 4 months, if the prices have changed and if it is appropriate to change the formula with my supplier, either change energy supplier (you simply have to give one month’s notice). The variable rate, if prices decrease, we will feel it more quickly. But given the current context, especially the situation in Ukraine, it is doubtful that prices will decrease soon. So it may be interesting to block a fixed contract, while having the reflex to go and recheck the prices in a few months.“.



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