Free “Telemedicine” service for patients with “Breast Cancer” who are initially screened at HER WILL.

HER WILL “For You” Campaign for a Better Life for Cancer Patients Open for long-distance consulting services “Telemedicine” with a doctor who specializes in breast cancer Free for 1 month. Convenient, safe and help relieve anxiety during the Covid-19 situation.

Covid-19 epidemic situation In addition to causing a large number of infected people in the country It also affects patients with various diseases, including diseases. breast cancer This is because some people decide to delay hospital screening services or cancel follow-up appointments with their doctor. and may result in cancer cells proliferation or the stage of the disease spreading for this reason HER WILL “For You” Campaign for a Better Life for Cancer Patients which is supported by Roche Thailand Co., Ltd., in collaboration with the Breast Cancer Society of Thailand and Invitrace Co., Ltd., thus extending the consulting service via video call system by specialists in cancer. breast from Phyathai and Paolo Hospital Group with services “telemedicine” (Telemedicine) free of charge for a period of 1 month from Wednesday 23 February to Wednesday 23 March 2022 to provide access to breast cancer patients and people with high risk factors for the disease. Timely medical advice, convenient, safe, relieve anxiety in the Covid-19 situation. including saving time No need to travel to the hospital as well.

Cancer registration information of National Cancer Institute Department of Medicine, Ministry of Public Health said breast cancer It is one of the most common cancers in Thai women. Especially between the ages of 35–55, however, if diagnosed and treated early (Early stage), the chances of a cure are greater. and may not have to lose the breast. For this reason, various partners which together support the campaign HER WILL therefore realizing the importance of time According to the slogan “Know fast, start fast, get well soon”, just visit the campaign website. HER WILL And it takes no more than 3 minutes to complete the online assessment. You can know the level of your own breast cancer risk immediately. If you have concerns and want to consult a medical professional. The website also offers services. Telemedicine Just a few clicks can log in to a free video call service It can be considered that this campaign meets the needs of breast cancer patients and those with high risk factors in accordance with the current epidemic situation.

Ireel Traisarnsri Vice President of the Breast Cancer Society of Thailand said that the Breast Cancer Society of Thailand Wishing all Thai women Regardless of the role of mother, aunt, aunt, sister, sister of all of us. Be aware of the dangers of breast cancer and keep screening regularly. because even if it was detected as having breast cancer But if the patient has timely access to treatment from a team of medical professionals There is a chance that the treatment results will be satisfactory and the quality of life is good. This may be another barrier to accessing hospital treatment. We are therefore delighted to hear that the HER WILL campaign, together with all partners, has worked together to bring digital technology such as Telemedicine to help Thai women have access to screening, diagnosis and treatment anywhere, anytime. The outcome of this collaboration is to take care of breast cancer patients to the next level.

Phyathai and Paolo Hospital Group as the leading hospital in the country which is one of the key partners of the HER WILL campaign, is ready to support consulting services through the Telemedicine system with a team of specialist doctors. Free of charge suitable for breast cancer patients who may not be able to go to the doctor on their own. or those who completed the online assessment and found that they were in a high-risk group of breast cancer. Visitors can go to the main page of the campaign. HER WILL then click into “Telemedicine Consult a doctor anytime, anywhere with a video call system” to select the list of participating hospitals. by specifying that they wish to seek advice from a general practitioner for initial diagnosis or consult a specialist breast cancer specialist, depending on the individual’s symptoms and risk level. The extension of free telemedicine for one month from Wednesday 23 February to Wednesday 23 March 2022 will help increase your chances of accessing timely treatment for breast cancer. and suitable for the lifestyle of Thai people in the present era

For more information regarding the HER WILL campaign “for you” for a better life of cancer patients with knowledge to enhance understanding regarding the disease and innovations in breast cancer treatment including good news and activities from many campaigns can visit here




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