Macrista “Gestapo”: They present a request for the expulsion of María Eugenia Vidal from the Chamber of Deputies | For moral inability and unworthiness

The national deputy of the Frente de Todos, Carlos Cisneros, called for the expulsion of deputy María Eugenia Vidal from the Lower House for “moral incompetence and indignity” for her responsibility –when she was governor of Buenos Aires– at the Buenos Aires judicial table that Armed cases once morest union leaders. “María Eugenia Vidal promoted, during her management in the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires, a political and judicial persecution once morest union leaders. She might not have been oblivious to espionage, what she has done is serious”, denounced Page 12 the deputy from Tucuman, who is also a leader of La Bancaria, which is why he maintained that “he might not be indifferent” since they themselves had been victims of “that persecutory advance.”

“Vidal cannot escape the responsibility that he has as the highest authority of the Province. She appointed the provincial authorities who met at the Banco Provincia, the meeting was held at the Banco Provincia and, according to the emails presented in the case , the reservation of the place was made at the request of the Government. There are many factors that indicate that she was not oblivious to what was happening. She also stated it publicly in different media in 2017 when she said that (el Pata) Medina had to be imprisoned,” said Carlos Cisneros on the reasons why yesterday he presented a request for the expulsion of María Eugenia Vidal from the Chamber of Deputies, and insisted: “She might not be an outsider, we know the political centrality she had.” The national deputy was thus referring to the video recorded by the AFI of a meeting at the Banco Provincia in 2017 in which the former Minister of Labor, Marcelo Villegas, and other officials from Buenos Aires appeared, along with intelligence agents and businessmen, discussing how to create a “Gestapo” that would allow the persecution of union leaders.

“She has promoted numerous maneuvers that demonize union activity and, as a union leader, I cannot be indifferent. The persecution was an orchestrated plan that she knew of and that is at odds with all the democratic practices that we should have. There is no sanction legal, but Vidal does not meet the requirements that must be met by someone who occupies a seat in the Chamber of Deputies,” explained the leader of La Bancaria, who denounced the deputy of Together for Change for “moral incompetence and indignity in accordance with the provided by article 66”. “The conduct to which we refer is contrary to the rule of law and the most minimal standards of democratic and republican government, is a violation of human rights, and constitutes acts of unprecedented institutional gravity,” said the FdT deputy in the text of the project. statement you filed.

In Vidal’s environment, meanwhile, they continue to seek to lower the tone of the complaint. “She is not even charged in the case, what would be the crime that she is committing if not even Justice is charging her?” Said a source close to the deputy. “This is a move by Kirchnerism to put it on an equal footing with the causes of corruption they have,” she added.


“For minor things, deputies were fired. When a deputy appeared on video with his girlfriend on his legs, they fired him from the chamber shortly following. The Vidal thing was very serious,” Cisneros added, referring to the suspension of deputy Juan Emilio Ameri following, in September 2020, she starred in a sexual episode with her partner during the zoom of a remote session of the Chamber of Deputies. In that case, however, it was Ameri who resigned the day following the scandal. There was a complaint similar to that of Vidal in the middle of last year with another PRO figure, when fifteen deputies asked for the expulsion of Fernando Iglesias for the sexist statements he had made once morest Florencia Peña for her visit to the Olivos residence. At the time, the deputies denounced him for “moral inability” but the expulsion request never ended up being debated on the premises.

The expulsion request once morest Vidal, at the moment, is only headed by Carlos Cisneros, although he has the support of the other deputies of La Bancaria, Sergio Palazzo and Claudia Ormachea. The block of the Frente de Todos in the Chamber of Deputies, however, “has nothing to do with it,” according to the group that Germán Martínez currently leads. “I am a union leader and I am consistent. Vidal is not worthy of occupying the seat he occupies, especially considering that he always proclaims that he defends the Republic and the Rule of Law. You cannot have a double discourse: defend the State of Law is also to defend freedom of association, and not to spy on or persecute or invent unfavorable facts to harm leaders you want to remove from the court,” said Cisneros, who denounced that the bankers had also suffered “that anti-union persecution advance” back in in 2017 when “he took away from the workers of Banco Provincia the special retirement they had.”



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