Covid long: antihistamines, these simple over-the-counter molecules as a solution?

Hazardous and empirical findings could demonstrate efficacy on persistent symptoms after Covid-19 infection.

Symptoms that persist beyond Covid infection. Thousands of people around the world are affected by this famous long Covid syndrome which is proving very disabling to resume a normal life.

This ranges from persistent fatigue to respiratory problems, pain, smell disorders, digestive problems, skin, eyes, concentration, memory… more or less serious, as reported social Security.

No treatment has been determined to date to resolve this long Covid which still remains mysterious in the eyes of scientists.

Yet a hazardous discovery could blur the effects of the long Covid : it could be that the solution lies in simple antihistamines, these drugs frequently taken to treat allergies.

Several scientific publications have taken an interest in these molecules, but in all cases it is specified that the research has not yet been completed, but it may give “an overview of potential strategies for managing these symptoms“.

Two case studies with diphenhydramine

A study published on February 7 in ScienceDirectwritten by nursing scholars at the University of California, Irvine, describes the case of two women who suffer from Covid long and that treat themselves with an antihistamine and the symptoms have really faded even completely disappeared after a daily intake.

Indeed, the first patient40s, athletic, nurse who had significant symptoms during her infection, suffered for months of Covid long with flank pain, chest pain, migraines, brain fog and cognitive impairments.

A few months later, she an allergy to cheese, so she administers the diphénhydramine, an over-the-counter antihistamine. And curiously, the next day she noticed a noticeable relief from her fatigue and a considerable improvement in his ability to concentrate. But when she stops the allergy treatment, the symptoms return.

She then decides to take daily doses and while she had been suffering for months from long Covid, she reports having recovered approximately 90% of its capacity before his Covid infection. She has resumed her full-time nursing job and can even indulge in physical exercises several times a week.

The second patient, who also had symptoms during her infection, also developed post-Covid symptoms. Symptoms that persisted and intensified were fatigue, difficulty concentrating, abdominal pain.

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The latter occasionally took an antihistamine, fexofenadine. But one day, she had to replace it with chlorhydrate de diphenhydramine because it no longer had the other molecule.

The next day, she too noticed a marked improvement in her state of fatigue and “brain fog”. Since then she has been taking a daily dose and after a few months she specifies that she has regained 95% of its capacity.

The co-author of this report, nurse Melissa Pinto, is categorical: “If patients wish to try over-the-counter antihistamines, it is imperative that they do so. under medical supervision“, as she reports in a statement.

A substance found in Actifed day and night, Butix and Nautamine especially.

Trials on the Covid before the long Covid

Two research protocols had already studied the effects of antihistamines on symptoms during Covid infection – not on long Covid symptoms.

Last December, a study published in the Journal of Inverstigative Medecine had already highlighted the ppossible response to antihistamines face the Covid.

During this research, patients were offered empirical treatment trials with antihistamines for at least 4 weeks as part of their ongoing care.

And an improvement was detected in most patients, their symptoms were reduced. For others there has been no change.

On August 2020, a study published in ScienceDirect had determined the blockade of the double histamine receptors with antihistamines which again had reduces lung symptoms in patients with Covid, but not long Covid at the time of this study.

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