Girl in doubt eats favipiravir bloody urine Dreaded as a side effect of the drug – fresh news

Girls post favipiravir drug experience bloody urine It’s not a monthly Ask for expert knowledge, what is the cause?

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On February 22, 65, Ms. A (a pseudonym), a 41-year-old COVID-19 patient, posted a story on her Facebook page that received favipiravir After being infected with covids, strange symptoms occur. in the abdomen without pain but instead drives out the blood Revealed with live news online that on February 16 in the past have unusual illnesses At first, I mightn’t find atk. Until Feb 18, I found out that the result was positive. therefore contacted the hospital, but not yet queued

Before starting treatment on February 20, and taking favipiravir to take at 9 p.m., 9 tablets in total, and 9 tablets on the morning of February 21, but when going to the bathroom He began to see abnormal symptoms because his urine was mixed with drops of blood. even though there is no pain I don’t know if it’s the result of drinking less water or the drug itself.

Ms. A confirmed that Such blood is not a menstrual cycle. Because usually it will come in 6-7 days and must have a lot of pain every time. but this time no When asked to go to the hospital to treat The pharmacist stated that there were no studies to determine whether the drug would cause bleeding or not. because it is a new drug do not have enough information but continue to take medication to monitor symptoms I’m still worried now because today the blood is more than before, it is bright red I want people with knowledge or researchers to determine whether the blood has an effect on menstruation and whether it will make it faster or not. It doesn’t cause stomach pain or anything. He was worried that if it was an allergic reaction to the drug Why is it different from other people? However, now their coronavirus symptoms are much better. but only had symptoms of fatigue from favipiravir.



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