Painless radiological examination, it allows to restore from X-rays a part of the body in 2 or 3 dimensions.

Also called computed tomography, the radiological examination that constitutes the scanner aims at my production of cross-sectional images of a region of the human body.

After computer processing, they will restore the observed area in 2 or 3 dimensions. To put it simply, it is the ability of tissues to absorb X-rays that is measured, according to their density. Anatomical structures, or organs, are rendered on screen in a range of grays.

Why use the scanner?

A scanner therefore makes it possible to assess a change in volume or a structural anomaly, such as a tumour, embolism, etc. Thus, it is recommended if you want to:

  • find out more regarding the area in which an intervention is planned;
  • in the same vein, specify the location and know precisely the extent of a lesion;
  • monitor the effects of chemotherapy or guide biopsies in the case of cancer treatment.

Before CT scan

Some cases require the injection of a contrast product, which will obscure certain elements of the body to promote their visibility on the images. Even if it is well accepted by the body, it is suitable in case ofallergies to certain medications, but also if you suffer from asthma, eczema orurticaria, to mention it to the professional who prescribed the scanner. The same goes for a chronic disease like diabetes or regular medication.

Before arriving on site, bring the appropriate prescription, those mentioning a treatment followed during this period and any results of previous analyzesdents. It then remains for the patient to get rid of any metallic object and to remove certain clothes.

The steps of the scanner

Most of the time, less than a quarter of an hour is necessary to carry out the examination. Here are the steps:

  • the patient lies down on the “bed” of the scanner;
  • this table moves to bring the patient within a ring which embeds the X-ray emitter;
  • this transmitter begins to rotate, making a characteristic and completely normal noise with each new shot, taken at the times determined by the doctor.

At the end of the examination, if a contrast product was necessary, the infusion is removed.

And following the scan?

Depending on the type of images that were sought, these will be analyzed and interpreted as soon as the scanner is finished, and the initial results communicated to the patient. Or, they will be later via the doctor who ordered the examination.



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