Before his sudden departure, an Egyptian doctor predicted the method of his death

The Egyptians were preoccupied with the communication sites, with a tweet written by a young professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Minya University on Twitter, in which he predicted the manner of his departure from the world.

In the details, the young doctor, Mohamed Mamdouh, left, after exhaustion that forced him to sleep for 22 hours, and upon awakening, his family found him dead.

His tweet caused great sadness

But 21 days before his death, Mamdouh said that he did not feel his mother trying to wake him up due to the state of fatigue that had afflicted him for a while.

He wrote in a tweet, “I slept 22 hours of fatigue, and my mother entered, put her hand on my heart, and found the pulse to reassure and get out, the first time I did not feel it.”

A mother’s heart feels it

He also added that his mother entered his bedroom again, and she was confused, because she could not tell whether his heart was beating or not, but he alerted her, and woke up to her whisper, so he opened his eyes and hugged her

He commented on the situation at the time, saying, “My embrace is a bosom that I need so much, and I was surprised that she did so strongly. Indeed, I did not find anything like my mother in her fear of us.”

For its part, the Faculty of Medicine at Minya University mourned in a statement the death of the young doctor, “who was working hard and sincerely and doing his best to perform his work.”

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