Russia criticized at the UN, French soldiers arrested and abortion relaxed in Colombia

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

With the emergency meeting at the UN, Vladimir Putin had his ears ringing on Monday evening. A majority of members of the Security Council, unsurprisingly, condemned the decision of the master of the Kremlin to recognize the independence of the secessionist republics in Ukraine and to “deploy Russian troops there”. In response, the Russian ambassador to the UN affirmed that his country does not close the door to “diplomacy” but will prevent a “bloodbath in the Donbass”. The only dissenting voice within the confines of the United Nations: China. Surely thinking of his country’s position vis-à-vis Taiwan, the ambassador has indeed distinguished himself from his partners by not explicitly condemning Moscow.

Relations are still as tense between France and the Central African Republic, exacerbated by a fierce struggle for influence between Paris and Moscow. Latest incident: four French soldiers who escorted a general of the UN force were arrested Monday followingnoon at Bangui airport. To explain these arrests, many private accounts spread on social networks in the evening once morest these soldiers accusing them in particular of having wanted to “assassinate” the Central African President Faustin-Archange Touadéra.

The movement to liberalize the termination of pregnancy continues in Latin America. By five votes to four, the Constitutional Court of Colombia on Monday decriminalized abortion up to 24 weeks. In its judgment, the Court authorizes women to have recourse to abortion for any reason up to the sixth month of gestation. Until now, abortion was only authorized in cases of rape, if the health of the mother was in danger or when the fetus presented a malformation compromising its survival.



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