Some of the biggest (and smallest) Steam discounts will be gone

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image: valve

At the end of March, Valve made Changes to how studios and publishers can offer their games at discounted prices on Steam, what seems like a simple administrative thing is also something more The financially savvy Steam game buyers among you might want to keep an eye out..

Posted earlier this monthone of the blog posts is called Backlink Discount Basis Changes He says that starting March 28, Valve will “change some discount rules,” with the main rules being a revised “discount slowdown” period and abolishing the ability for developers and publishers to “discount products by more than 90% or less than 10%. »

While it’s easy to watch a move like the latest and feel somewhat unfair to users, it’s clear that every change made is aimed at stopping those responsible for pricing the game – and we’re talking regarding everyone, from the simplest little cheat game to the biggest AAA publishers – not just the algorithm of Steam games to highlight their releases, but also trick users into believing the sale is bigger than it is actually by artificially inflating the previously reduced original price.

The details of the changes are:

– You can play with absolute discount, but once the introductory discount expires, you cannot play with discounts for 28 days.

– Your product cannot be discounted for 28 days following the price increase in any currency.

– Discounts cannot be applied within 28 days of your previous opponent, except for seasonal events on Steam.

– Discounts on seasonal sales cannot be made within 28 days of your title’s release, within 28 days of the end of the introductory discount, or within 28 days of a price increase in any currency.

– You cannot change your price while the promotion is in progress or scheduled for the future.

A product cannot be reduced by more than 90% or less than 10%.

– Personalized discounts cannot last more than two weeks or less than one day.

Will it actually work? Who knows! But it definitely looks sturdier on paper, at least.



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