Steam revises the discount rules, more than 90% discount will go into history if it hits a broken bone | 4Gamers

In early February this year, Valve rarely disclosed the recent Teaser for the Steam Salethe announcement also mentioned the revision of the promotion policy at the end, and now this revision has gone through a more specific specification and implementation date, and the new rules are expected to be implemented on March 28.

according to Steamworks DocumentationThe latest record on the “Discount Rules” addresses the loopholes in the past where publishers would use the old rules to adjust their selling prices before discounting, and reset the interval between the two discounts. The detailed changes are as follows:

  • Listing discounts are available, but no other discounts can be offered within 28 days of the end of the listing discount
  • No price drops within 28 days of price increases in any currency
  • No other discounts can be made within 28 days following the previous discount ends, except for Steam site-wide seasonal events (Chinese New Year, Summer, Autumn and Winter)
  • Seasonal sale discounts are not available within 28 days of product release, within 28 days of end of shelf discount, or within 28 days of price increase in any currency
  • Price changes are not allowed during the promotion period or if a promotion is scheduled for the future
  • Product discounts cannot be more than 90% or less than 10% (currently not 100%)
  • Customized discounts can be up to two weeks and a minimum of one day

The new rule change basically allows developers to use discounts more frequently, and also combats the practice of raising prices and then discounting before unscrupulous manufacturers’ special sales. At the same time, manufacturers cannot make discounts more than 90% to strive for homepage recommendation exposure.

In view of the concern of some players whether “the discount cannot exceed 90%” means that there is no limited-time free option, in fact, all discounts cannot reach 100% under the existing rules, and the limited-time free appearing on Steam should be for developers. Contact Steam to modify the pricing (change from paid to free), this part belongs to “Pricing“the rule of.




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