Abortion will be legal in Colombia until 24 weeks of pregnancy

The Constitutional Court of Colombia vvoted this Monday in favor of decriminalize the voluntary termination of pregnancy until the 24th week of gestationa “historic step for Latin America”, which has pushed feminist organizations for the protection of life and health of women.

After months delaying the decision for administrative obstacles and impediments of judges imposed by organizations against abortion, the Court approved this Monday, in an extraordinary session with five votes in favor and four against this decision, which does not eliminate the crime of abortion from Penal Codebut gives a period of six months to pregnant women who want end her pregnancy.

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If the Supreme Court repeals a legal precedent that for now prevents it, each US territory would be free to prohibit or allow abortion and it is expected that more than half will veto it.

“Abortion up to 24 weeks is already decriminalized and it is a great achievement for women; is historic for Colombia and for Latin Americait is a step and it is a very important advance to continue guaranteeing life, health, freedom and the right to decide of women“, the lawyer for Women’s Link and spokesperson for the Just Cause movement, Mariana Ardila, one of the lawyers who presented more than 500 days the claim before the Court.

More than a hundred women, in the characteristic green tide for scarves in favor of abortion, They received the news between jumps, tears, hugs and shouts of “it’s legal”, after months waiting for a decision from the high court. “As a Just Cause movement we are very happy because we women win, the Constitutional Court was given the opportunity to make history, guaranteeing women’s rights,” Sandra Mazo, another spokesperson for this movement, which brings together more than a hundred feminist and human rights organizations, told EFE.

An eagerly awaited decision

From this decision, “women they will not be persecuted or criminalized at least until certain weeks and that for us is important; we women won,” Mazo explained.

Since 2006 in Colombia comes increasing significantly persecution and convictions for abortionwith an average of 400 cases per year and a total of 346 women convicted until 2019, according to a recent report of this movement, with data from the Prosecutor’s Office.

Abortion is a crime more judicially prosecuted and condemned than domestic violence or rape

abortion is a crime more judicially persecuted and condemned that domestic violence or sexual violations or even non-consensual abortion, according to this same report.

From the moment the statement of the Constitutional Court ruling is published, women they will stop being persecuted for a crime that, except for three causes (rape or incest; danger to the life or health of the mother, and malformation of the fetus), was punishable up to four and a half years in prison. “This is undoubtedly a giant step forward for the thousands of women and girls who were at risk and who today will be able to go to the health systemadded Ardila, who promised that they will continue “pushing for the elimination of the crime of abortion from the Penal Code, but this Monday it has been done a very important advance”.

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what was at stake

In the Court, for more than a year, rested two lawsuits calling for the elimination of the crime of abortion, but it has been the Just Cause that, more than 500 days later, has progressed.


The Colombian Constitutional Court voted this Monday in favor of decriminalizing the voluntary interruption of pregnancy up to the 24th week of gestation.  (Archyde.com / Luisa Gonzalez)

© Provided by El Confidencial
The Colombian Constitutional Court voted this Monday in favor of decriminalizing the voluntary interruption of pregnancy up to the 24th week of gestation. (Archyde.com / Luisa Gonzalez)

The Colombian Constitutional Court voted this Monday in favor of decriminalizing the voluntary interruption of pregnancy up to the 24th week of gestation. (Archyde.com / Luisa Gonzalez)

It’s been a bumpy road and you’ve had to Overcome obstacles as the impediment of one of the magistrates who were supposed to vote in favor, Alejandro Linares, and who has been carried out by four men and one woman: heJudges Alberto Rojas, Antonio José Lizarazo, José Fernado Reyes, Deputy Judge Julio Andrés Ossa and Judge Diana Fajardo.

It is, despite being a half decision, the “most advanced abortion legislation in the entire American region,” according to the lawyer for Women’s Link, and leaves the door open to a total decriminalization, since the second lawsuit that is in Court still remains to be resolved.

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