Presidential 2022: what are the programs of the candidates?

What will be the face of tomorrow’s France? After two years of pandemic, are the resources allocated to the hospital sufficient? Should we continue to invest in nuclear power or commit to a gradual exit? How to ensure the safety of the French? The first round of the presidential election is approaching and the French must find answers to these heavy questions.

For several weeks, in the field or on television sets, the candidates have been trying to make the French people aware of their range of proposals that they intend to implement once installed at the Élysée. Several hundred proposals have already been formulated, on all subjects.

To allow voters to see a little more clearly, Le Parisien has compiled the main proposals of the candidates for the presidential election, on the strong themes of this campaign.

To carry out this program comparator, and so that it is as readable as possible, we have decided to stick to the proposals of the candidates with the best chance of gathering the 500 sponsorships necessary in order to be able to officially present themselves in the presidential election. The particular case of the outgoing President of the Republic means that the latter, who is not yet an official candidate, does not appear in our format for the moment. This will be updated as soon as Emmanuel Macron has announced his decision, the content of which is not really in doubt.



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