Comptroller of the CDMX investigates Florencia Serranía, former head of the Metro

By Montserrat Peralta and Tania Rosas

The former director of the Metro, Florence Serrania Soto is investigated by administrative authorities of the Mexico City.

According to the answer to a transparency request performed by Latinusthe Secretariat of the Comptroller General of Mexico City reported that it cannot deliver the Act of delivery reception de Serranía as a public servant because the document is part of a investigation file which is open.

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The Secretariat of the Comptroller General indicated that, in accordance with a resolution of the Internal control organ the Collective Transportation System (STC), will not make public the record of delivery receipt until there is a final resolution of the research and determine if Serrania is responsible for any administrative fault O crime as a public servant. For this reason, the Internal Control Body reserved the document for two years 11 months.

The Act of delivery reception It is a document that officials are required to produce when they finish their charges. The minutes must include information such as financial statements, resources, public works, rights and obligations, procedures and management reports.

Serrania was subway director December 2018, at the start of the Claudia Sheinbaum administrationuntil June 28, 2021. During his period, investigations were opened for the collapse of Line 12which left 26 dead, and for the electrical substation fire.

In addition, the Internal Control Body of the STC detected inconsistencies in the drug purchases and in the integral service of hospitalization of employees with Covid-19 when Serrania was the owner of Metro.

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The investigated contracts were signed in 2020, when the pandemic began. Through direct award, the Metro gave two contracts to the company BEVI Specialty Clinic for 118 million pesos for the comprehensive second-level hospitalization service and treatment of Covid-19 for workers and beneficiaries of the STC.

The Internal Control Body of the STC found that the company subcontracted laboratory services, which was not contemplated in the agreement, therefore the Metro was in a position to cancel the agreements.

In addition, inconsistencies were found in the documents that prove the services, which did not have elements that would support that there was supervision and approval of the personnel of the Metro Health and Welfare Management, since there were no signatures of the public servants responsible for the validation.

“42 sales notes were identified corresponding to 10 different patients, for an amount of 2 million 51 thousand 459 pesos, whose issuance was made outside the hospitalization periods registered by the respective patients,” detailed the audit A-3/2021.

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In the Serrania administration three were also signed contracts that he Metro awarded for the orthopedic service, supply of medicines, healing material, food supplements and dermatological products.

According to auditsthese services had irregularities such as the subcontracting of personnel, billed and non-located medications and lack of proof of non-debit of contributions by providers.



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