Wu Zhaoxie’s exclusive interview with British media: If China’s economy stagnates, it may be an opportunity to attack Taiwan

Wu Zhaoxie’s exclusive interview with British media: If China’s economy stagnates, it may be an opportunity to attack Taiwan

CNEWS Confluence News Network reporter Chen Hongzhi/Taipei report

Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie accepted a video interview with Debi Edward, the Asia correspondent of ITV News, and pointed out that if mainland China’s economic growth stagnates, or the dissatisfaction of the oppressed ethnic minorities increases, or an internal crisis occurs, it cannot be ruled out that there will be a crisis in China. The means of causing trouble in the Taiwan Strait may shift the focus of internal conflicts.

Wu Zhaoxie’s interview aired on the 18th, Taipei time. He said that China is hosting the Winter Olympics and may not make aggressive moves once morest Taiwan for the time being, so as not to undermine its attempt to build national glory. However, from the actions of Chinese military aircraft infringing nearly 1,000 sorties in my country’s adjacent airspace in 2021, it can be seen that China’s intention to invade Taiwan always exists.

Wu Zhaoxie analyzed that if China’s economic growth stagnates, the dissatisfaction of the oppressed ethnic minorities increases, or an internal crisis occurs, it does not rule out the possibility that China will divert the focus of internal conflicts by means of causing trouble in the Taiwan Strait. Regardless of whether or when military operations take place, our country will continue to strengthen its self-defense capabilities and fully defend its territorial sovereignty and democratic way of life.

Wu Zhaoxie said that China and Russia are expanding their influence all over the world. China will always pay close attention to whether China will support Russia’s military action once morest Ukraine, or whether Russia will assist China to invade Taiwan by force, or even whether China will take advantage of the crisis in Eastern Europe to attack Taiwan. , and prepare for self-defense.

Wu Zhaoxie pointed out that the Chinese government is highly concerned regarding the development of the situation in Hong Kong. my country’s forcible implementation of the National Security Law in 2020 has trampled on Hong Kong’s democracy, freedom and human rights, which has pierced the lie of one country, two systems. I believe that the United Kingdom shares the sadness of the situation in Hong Kong. my country is a sovereign country, and China’s autocratic regime has never ruled Taiwan for a day. This is not only a fact, but also the status quo. Taiwan is at the forefront of the democratic camp’s fight once morest authoritarianism, and will continue to join hands with like-minded countries to safeguard freedom and democracy and fight the external expansion of authoritarianism.

Wu Zhaoxie emphasized that China’s increasing military activities in the East China Sea and the South China Sea in recent years not only threaten regional peace and stability, but also cause anxiety and concern in many countries. The United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Asia-Pacific countries all hope that the Indo-Pacific region will be open, free, stable and prosperous. Taiwan is happy to see its democratic partners attaching importance to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and welcomes the freedom of navigation in the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. .

Wu Zhaoxie reiterated that my country has repeatedly expressed its willingness to negotiate peacefully with China on the premise of reciprocity and without presupposing political conditions. In the face of China’s threat of force, we do not seek war, but we will never give in under pressure and coercion.

Photo source: CNEWS data photo / reporter Chen Hongzhi

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