Teachers protested in downtown Caracas to demand the reopening of Ipasme health centers

teachers, The National
The president of the organization Formation of Union Leaders of the educational sector (Fordisi), Gricelda Sánchez. Photo: Video Capture

Teachers and workers from the education sector protested this Friday in front of the headquarters of the Ipasme Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Medical Odontological Unit (UMO), in La Hoyada, one of the few that remains open, to demand the reopening of these health centers. In Venezuela.

The president of the organization Formation of Trade Union Leaders of the educational sector (Fordisi), Gricelda Sánchez, assured that 67 venues are closed.

“We are demanding the opening of the 67 Ipasme units throughout the country because we have seen how teachers have died for not having medicine, for not having care,” he said.

Meanwhile, a teacher from the state of Sucre, who went to the capital directly to Ipasme, urgently requested support for an OB/GYN surgery.

“I’m jumping from hospital to hospital. We educators from the state of Sucre do not have HCM, and the Cariaco hospital has nothing. That is why we have to travel so far to suffer hardships here in the city to see who gives us care, ” said.

Sánchez denounced: “Our teachers are dying because they have no way of going to cure whatever illness they have. We (teachers) continue to pay Ipasme, where is that money?

Educational sector: more than 1,000 protests in 4 years

Recently, the Institute for Advanced Trade Union Studies (Inaesin) alerted that more than 20% of the labor conflicts registered in the last 4 years in Venezuela have been carried out by workers in the education sector, which meant “more than 1,000 protests carried out by teachers.”

The organization asserted that from 2018 until now, the education sector has remained, along with the health sector, as one of the most participatory in claiming their rights in Venezuela.

The Inaesin said that the main claim of the teachers’ union is the low salary they earn, but to this are added the shortcomings in the exercise of their work.

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“They have also claimed for the abandonment of educational establishments, which are in terrible conditions of deterioration, as well as for school canteens that do not work,” the institute pointed out.

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