El Ripollès defines an economic recovery plan to recover the 30,000 inhabitants

El Ripollès has drawn up an economic recovery plan that seeks to recover the 30,000 inhabitants. In the sixties, in the midst of industrialization, it already exceeded this figure, but, twenty years later, with the various economic crises, it began to lose population to reach the current 25,400. This Friday it was announced with the presence of the Minister of Research and Universities, Gemma Geis, in an event at the Ripollès County Council. The plan, dubbed Ripollès 30, has set out thirty strategic projects that will be carried out by 2030. They also emphasize the public and private collaboration of the actions as well as the creation of an Impulsor Group. made up of twelve people from the region who will monitor it.

Actions included in the plan include redefining vocational training to improve employment and meet the demand of companies looking for qualified staff; the setting up of a Regional Housing Office and the promotion of the deployment of renewable energies, among other actions.

In relation to the Impulsor Group, it will be made up of twelve people from the region, with recognized experience and professional trajectory, who will voluntarily be in charge of monitoring compliance with the plenary and proposing solutions.



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