Peruvian dollar: Exchange rate closes the week with a new rise

Today, Friday, February 18, the price of dollar closed the week with an upward trend.

The price of the dollar went from S/ 3,727 to S / 3.75 at the interbank levelreported the Central Reserve Bank (BCR).

Initially the greenback The exchange session opened lower and fell to S/ 3.70, but as the day progressed it cut losses and rose around 0.50%.

Despite this, the BCR estimates that with what has been recorded so far in 2022, the US currency has fallen a total of 6.04% compared to the end of 2021.

In the morning the peruvian sol was the currency that led the rises in Latin Americareaching its highest growth in nine months.

The price of dollar once morest the sun was down mainly due to international factors.

According to, the risk currencies advanced once morest the dollar following knowing a plan of talks between United States and Russia on the crisis in Ukraine, which generated greater confidence among investors.

But, as the day progressed, tensions between Russia and Ukraine they intensified following the conflict zone in Ukraine experienced the heaviest artillery shelling in years.

Moscow-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine announced Friday that they plan to evacuate populations from conflict regions to Russia, a surprising turn in the crisis that the West says might be used to justify a Russian invasion of Ukrainian territory.

With this increase in tensions and fears of a possible Russian invasion of Ukrainethe dollar returned to repute globally.

Dollar price for buying and selling

The platform, how much is the, indicates that in the parallel market the dollar the dollar is bought at S/ 3.725 and it is sold at approximately S/ 3.77.

While in digital exchange houses the green ticket it is bought at S/ 3.73 and it is sold at S/ 3.78 on average.



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