Sergio Berni: “I left Kirchnerism, the time has come to cut the umbilical cord”

The Buenos Aires Minister of Security, Sergio Berni, spoke today regarding his link with Kirchnerism and true to his style, when making high-impact statements, the official revealed that left space. “The time has come to cut the umbilical cord and take another path,” shot in dialogue with eltrece.

Just as LA NACION had anticipatedBerni now he is alone in national politics and does not maintain the bond of absolute obedience with the vice president Cristina Kirchner.

“The Kirchnerism thing is my decision. I decided to move away from that political space that I love, I respect, to which I belonged for 33 years and gave it more than half my life, but sometimes you have to make decisions,” Berni said.

And in relation to his recent determination he expressed: “I left with pain and sadness, but I respect the figure of Cristina, who is the only leader who has a model of the country in her head, which one may or may not like. You will never find me criticizing her, although I think the time has come to cut the umbilical cord and take another path.

Likewise, Berni clarified that his decision to distance himself from Kirchnerism took place in the last election when he voted for Peronism. “It is a personal decision of one, who spent 33 years in the same space and is made up of people who have nothing to do with what I think. Those fronts never represented me. When it was put together, I did not agree, but I was not the owner of the truth either, ”he specified.

“When you make an alliance, it’s not to win an election, it’s to build the future of a Nation,” declared Berni, referring directly to the Front of All.

Berni’s decision comes following several clashes with government officials. Recently, the Buenos Aires minister starred in a tense exchange with his counterpart in the Nation, Aníbal Fernández, who, in the midst of the crisis unleashed by the adulterous drug that claimed the lives of 24 people, criticized and even mocked the warning that he had made via social media.

“Those who bought drugs in the last 24 hours have to discard it,” Berni had warned following announcing the existence of a batch of adulterated cocaine and acquired at Puerta OchoFebruary 3, which ended with the lives of 24 people and more than 80 hospitalizations in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires (AMBA)

Berni’s statements were quickly replicated by Aníbal Fernández who published a series of banderas international with the legend “drug use kills”. And an Argentine flag with this text taken from Berni’s statements: “Whoever bought drugs in the last 24 hours discard it because it’s bad”.

Later, when the number of deaths from the adulterous drug began to increase, Fernández deleted the tweet and even tried to apologize. “He is pathetic,” Berni launched.

On the other hand, as LA NACION had already clarified, the relationship with the President was always bad and Berni got tired of criticizing Fernández and his former minister Sabina Frederic. “I don’t know how much longer they are going to put up with a minister who publicly disagrees with the President of the Nation. I am passionate regarding management. I’m going to stay until they kick me out.” he was heard to say last year.

Meanwhile, when asked today regarding his relationship with the President, Berni stressed that he does not maintain any type of dialogue with the president. “The last time I spoke would have been a year ago,” he specified. Likewise, when they asked him the same question regarding Cristina Kirchner, he concluded: “After the elections I didn’t speak any more.”

Finally, beyond the differences and disagreements he had with Máximo Kirchner, Berni pondered the decision of the son of the former president to abandon the presidency of the bloc of Deputies.

“There are two things in politics that have been lost: loyalty and consistency. Today, having consistency and being loyal are like two rare attributes in politics. If Máximo did something, it was that he was consistent between what he thinks and what he says, “said Berni.

And in that sense he completed: Máximo’s attitude was consistent. ‘I do not agree with this, I am the president of the bloc, Mr. President, look for someone who is convinced and who helps solve the problem that the Argentines have.’ He did not put anything at risk, he was more mediatic ”.

Finally, in relation to coherence, Berni highlighted the performance of the left. “The most coherent political sector is the left, I am not talking regarding content, but regarding thinking in one way and acting in the same way. I have nothing to do with the Left but he thinks in one way and acts in that way, he doesn’t say one thing and then do another”, he concluded in this regard.



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