“It degrades the work environment”: summary of Nuñoa found mistreatment of councilor Kena Lorenzini (RD) to officials

“She has behaviors, words or general gestures that degrade the work environment”. With these harsh conclusions, the summary that the Municipality of Ñuñoa developed once morest the councilor María Eugenia Lorenzini (RD), following the complaint for repeated workplace harassment and ill-treatment – which included shouting in public and names such as “white slave” – ​​which presented a activist advisor.

It was four months of investigation that finally determined the veracity of the facts narrated by CE (28), and that verified violations of his psychic integrity following the actions carried out by Lorenzini, founder of Humanas and La Morada, institutions that promote respect for human rights. Women’s.

“It is appropriate to consider the facts that are considered accredited following the investigation stage, and in that sense, Situations constituting labor mistreatment were proven”says the document, issued yesterday by the prosecutor of the Municipality of Ñuñoa, Alison Torres.

The antecedents of the case were sent to the municipality by the CE adviser in October of last year, following suffering a decompensation and a depressive picture that was verified in the Chilean Security Association (ACHS). The health entity, on the occasion, carried out an investigation and visited the young woman’s place of work -in the Municipality of Ñuñoa-, subsequently issuing a report that concluded that the adviser was in “occupational hazard”.

And the municipality reached similar conclusions. And this is how the summary states it, which establishes that the worker was mistreated by the councilwoman: “The reference ‘white slave’ corresponds to a pejorative and discriminatory epithet; It should never have been used to refer to an assistant, since it damaged the honor of the complainant, affecting her fundamental rights.

“The cries reported by the witnesses in the act of establishing the Democratic Library,” continues the report, “do not correspond to a respectful treatment of the dignity of people, particularly those who are subordinated or dependent.”

But the most complex thing, according to the municipal investigation, is that CE would not be the only worker mistreated by the activist: “Indications were verified that the councilor María Eugenia Lorenzini had harmful conduct with respect to other people, which shows that the complainant is not a specific victim of the councilor’s way of being or acting, but that she has behaviors, words or Generalized gestures that degrade the work environment”.

Despite the proven complaints once morest councilwoman Lorenzini, the Ñuñoa Municipal Prosecutor’s Office did not issue sanctions for her actions, since, “as Article 89 of the Organic Constitutional Law of Municipalities indicates, ‘the regulations that govern to municipal officials, except in civil or criminal matters, which is why this prosecutor’s office cannot file charges once morest the defendant, much less propose any sanction,” the summary details.

However, the report proposes some measures such as keeping CE in the new area assigned to it within the municipality. What’s more, “It is recommended to carry out a training day on civil servant rights and measures to prevent workplace harassment, addressed both to the councilor María Eugenia Lorenzini like all the other councilors, councilors and personnel who work directly with said authorities, considering the level of mutual conflict that was noted in the statements made in this summary.”

consulted by The Third PM, CE stated that it was dissatisfied with the results of the summary. “This whole process has been difficult. And now that my complaints have been verified, the Municipal Prosecutor’s Office ignores it and only proposes training. It’s very disappointing,” he noted.

Asked regarding this situation, the ñuñoína mayor, Emilia Ríos (RD), declined to refer to the situation.

Councilwoman María Eugenia Lorenzini also did not want to refer to the summary once morest her.

The CE adviser had also denounced Lorenzini before the Metropolitan Court of Honor of the Democratic Revolution, the party of both. However, due to a series of postponements of the investigation, the complainant withdrew from this instance.

Despite this, the Gender Unit of the Frente Amplio conglomerate gave Lorenzini’s advisor a psychological therapy specialized in overcoming traumatic situations, called EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), which has already been completed.



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