Pokémon Go developer partners with Sony | CEtoday

The developer studio Niantic has announced a cooperation with Sony. In combination with Niantic’s AR technology and Sony’s audio products, the AR experiences of users should become more immersive.

Nianctic gained notoriety through the development of the augmented reality game “Pokémon Go”. Niantic announces that the two companies will first tackle the “Pokémon Go” predecessor “Ingress Prime”. “The goal of the collaboration is to create an even more intense AR and sound experience for the game,” it says. More information on this is to follow over the course of the year.

By combining Sony’s spatial sound technology with Niantic’s game content, the two partners want to “create immersive experiences through the headphones that blur the lines between game and reality”.

In augmented reality games like “Ingress Prime” or “Pokémon Go”, users have to collect points or Pokémon in the real world. The goal of the game is to explore your environment. Playing from home is therefore not possible.

If you need a bit more action, you can look forward to virtually racing through your neighborhood. A Swiss start-up is currently developing a method for converting real roads into virtual racetracks. Read here when that might happen.



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