Flight of doctors: 2,500 doctors request certificates

The Physician requests to move abroad They have rebounded once more in 2021 following the fall caused by the coronavirus health and economic crisis in the previous year. In the last financial year, they have been issued 4,130 certificates of suitability that allow you to work outside of Spain, of which 2,504 correspond to doctors.

The General Council of Official Colleges of Physicians (CGCOM) has released last year’s figures that represent a new all-time high. The data has been placed slightly above the level reached in 2019, the last one before the outbreak of the pandemic, when they were issued 4.100. And they have made it possible to leave behind the change in trend of 2020 when the number fell to 3.559.

This certificate is a key document for professionals can be registered both in the countries of the European Union and in non-community territories valid for three months. from the year 2011 the number of requests has not stopped increasing, except for the exception caused by the outbreak of Covid-19.

73% of the certificates issued have been requested to work abroad16.3% to perform administrative transactions, 5.4% to participate in cooperation projects related to this change and 3.8% for academic reasons. While the remaining 1.5% have justified other reasons.

Despite the change of destination, a good part of the doctors have opted for continue collegiate also in Spain. A total of 2,423 of the requests correspond to professionals registered in the different Colleges of Physicians, but only 395 have submitted their discharge as a result of their transfer.

Catalonia leads the exits of doctors abroad

By communities, Catalonia is the region that has concentrated most of the requests following notifying the issuance of 1,163 certificates in 2021, which represents 28% of the country’s total. He is closely followed by Madrid’s community which has registered 749 documents. It is 18% of the requests on a national scale.

The main destination for Spanish doctors who decide to make their way beyond national borders corresponds to neighboring European countries such as France, UK, Ireland, Switzerland and Germany. While in long-distance destinations, the most requested is Argentina, followed by Arab Emirates.

The specialty that has presented the most applications is Family Medicine with 264 requests and then it appears Ophthalmology (118), Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (98) and Pediatrics and its specific areas (75). While the hospital setting accounts for 56% of the requests for 12% of those for Primary Care.

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