Gas prices: HLMs and condominiums will also benefit from the “tariff shield”

They were nearly five million households not able to benefit from the “tariff shield”, put in place by the government last September. Their fault? Live in a dwelling equipped with collective heating, as we explained this Tuesday, February 15. Among them, 2 million are even in public housing. The government has taken, it seems, the measure of the “hole in the racket”, according to the expression used by Emmanuelle Wargon, the Minister of Housing. He has just announced this Wednesday followingnoon an extension of the emergency aid system “to residents of condominiums and tenants of HLM”.

“Housings heated by gas and not eligible for the regulated sales tariff, or TRV, such as condominiums, social housing or those heated by a heat network (regarding 5% of heating in France)will be able to benefit from compensation aimed at covering the rise in market prices, explain to us the services of the Prime Minister.

This compensation will provide the households concerned with assistance equivalent to the blocking of regulated gas prices from October 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.” In concrete terms, the latter will not have to take any steps. “The State will pay the difference between what the increase should have been, and that applied due to the freeze put in place last fall, directly to the suppliers, we resume at the cabinet of Jean Castex. It is the latter who will have to pass on the gain to their customers by reassessing the calls for charges accordingly. »

Automatic compensations

Two scenarios. Either the condominiums, HLM offices or social landlords have not yet integrated the increase in their calls for charges, in which case no increase is to be expected in future shipments. Or a forecast increase has already been included and it will have to be deducted from the next calls. In both cases, tenants and co-owners do not have to worry regarding anything. Compensation will be automatic. Be careful, however, to check that this additional measure of the State has been taken into account in the call for charges calculations.

“The government will discuss in the coming days with gas suppliers, heating engineers, heating networks and representatives of social landlords and trustees on the operational implementation of the device, we still specify in the entourage. of the Prime Minister. The detailed modalities will be presented by the ministries concerned, and in particular Housing, in the coming days. The state services are not yet able to give the cost of the measure.

“We are very satisfied with these announcements, declares François Carlier, the general delegate of the defense association of CLCV (Consumption, housing and living environment). Given the number of people who were affected, it was more than urgent that a readjustment be found. It will nevertheless be necessary to ensure that there are not yet other holes in the racket and that, in practice, everyone is finally perfectly protected. »



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