Hou Youyi is right!Mi Kebai leaked his “real name” 5 years ago. Net: Mayor is innocent | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud

Reporter Cai Yifang / Comprehensive Report

At the end of last year, artist Mi Kebai took his dog “Qian Qian” to a Christmas event. As a result, New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi mistakenly thought that “Mi Kebai” was the name of a dog. The embarrassing scene caused netizens to laugh and discuss. However, when Mi Kebai followed the wind and posted photos from 5 years ago on the 14th, he unexpectedly found that he had already exchanged names with his dog that year, causing everyone to laugh and say, “Mayor Hou is right!”

▲ Mi Kebai was mistaken by Hou Youyi as the name of a dog. . (Picture / Retrieved from Facebook / Mi Kebai)

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Recently, there has been a trend of “posting photos from 5 years ago” on the Internet. Mi Kebai also followed suit on Facebook on the 14th, uploading a photo of him and his dog Qian Qian 5 years ago, but I didn’t expect that the brand she was wearing at that time was “Qian Qian”. ”, Mi Kebai also immediately thought of being called the wrong name by Hou Youyi more than a month ago, and said with a smile: “The truth is revealed~ It turns out that 5 years ago, I put up the name brand of Qianqian……”

▲▼ Hou Youyi is right! Mi Kebai leaked his

▲ Mi Ke Bai wore a dog’s name tag 5 years ago. (Picture / Retrieved from Facebook / Mi Kebai)

After the photo of Mi Kebai was released, many netizens laughed and said, “Mayor Hou is right”, “When did the name change to Mi Kebai”, “The mayor observed very carefully”, and even Li Mingchuan and Aisha also appeared. The message said: “Don’t hide your identity anymore…”, “So Mayor Hou is right!”

▲▼ Hou Youyi is right! Mi Kebai leaked his

▲ Netizens laughed and said that Hou Youyi was right. (Picture / Retrieved from Facebook / Mi Kebai)

Hou Youyi attended the “2021 Mao Baby Happy Christmas Party – Pet K-Song Music Party” on December 25 last year. When he met Mi Ke Bai and his pet dog, and heard the name “Mi Ke Bai” introduced by others, he enthusiastically walked up to the dog. The dog shook hands, touched its head, and shouted “Mickey White” to it a few times, not knowing that it was actually the owner’s name. Mi Kebai, who was holding the dog, laughed embarrassedly: “Mayor! It’s not Mi Ke Bai, I am Mi Ke Bai! It’s money!” Hou Youyi suddenly realized that, laughing so hard that he crooked his waist and kept asking Mi Ke Bai. White apologizes.

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