Biden: Russia fails to verify withdrawal of Ukrainian troops… Possibility of invasion still exists

picture explanationU.S. President Joe Biden speaks at the White House on the 15th (local time) on escalating tensions along the Ukrainian border. [사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

U.S. President Joe Biden said on the 15th (local time) that he might not verify Russia’s claim to withdraw some troops from the Ukrainian border, and was concerned that a possible military conflict remains.

President Biden said in a speech to the nation that Russia’s announcements “have not been verified” and that “our analysis shows that they are still in a threatening deployment, with 150,000 Russian troops besieging Ukraine near the border between Ukraine and Belarus.” “He said.

President Biden emphasized that an invasion was clearly possible, but maintained that he would not abandon a diplomatic solution.

“The chances of a Russian invasion of Ukraine are very high, and we are prepared to react decisively in case of an invasion,” he said.

“I made it clear to Putin that we are ready to continue diplomacy at a high level to reach a written agreement with Russia,” he said. said.

“We are proposing new ways to control arms, improve transparency, and pursue new strategic safety,” he added. “These apply to both NATO and Russia.”

“If Russia invades Ukraine, it will be a war without cause and without cause,” Biden said.

[김우현 매경닷컴 기자]

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