Childhood cancer.. What are the causes and early symptoms?

News Arabia"More than 400,000 children, ages 0 to 19, develop cancer each year.

و :ضاف: "The main reason forchildren’s cancer It differs from adults, because 9 out of 10 cases are caused by a defect in the genetic system, or a defect in the DNA, unlike adults who are affected by external factors such as smoking or pollution, for example.".

He explained that more types cancer popular with childrenhe is blood canceror leukemiabrain, lymphoma, and neuroblastoma.

Al-Dhahabi stressed the importance of early treatment, noting that "The role of father and mother is very important" At this stage, since they are responsible for following up on the child and detecting any changes in him.

واستطرد: "A child from 0 to 5 years old finds it difficult to express his pain and pain, so the father and mother should, if they notice any change in the child’s behavior, such as lethargy, loss of focus, weakness in the muscles of the hands or walking, not delay presenting it to the child. the doctor".

And hit the surgery consultant Tumors And cancer, for example, regarding a case presented to him, it was a 9-year-old girl, who continued to complain of headaches for a whole year, and because her family decided to present her to the doctor following a long time from the onset of symptoms, they discovered that she suffers from brain tumorIt might have been cured if they had gone to the doctor at an early stage, but it is no longer treatable.

Duration: "If a child’s mood, concentration, or appetite changes, they should be examined promptly".

Latest treatment techniques

And regarding the latest technologies that are now being used in the treatment of childhood cancer, Al-Dhahabi explained that "Oncology in children is better treated than in adults, because immune system And the organic is recoverable to them more than adults".

و :ضاف: "Over the past 10 years, scientists have been able to analyze genetic DNA In children, now there are immunotherapy and drugs being developed that affect children’s DNA. There is also surgery and radiotherapy".

He further explained that "There are tumors in the brain, blood, or lymph system, which are treated in 90 to 100 percent of children"emphasizing once more that "The most important thing is for the parents to take the child to the hospital at an early stage".

Al-Dhahabi pointed to amazing success stories related to the treatment of childhood cancer, explaining that there are children suffering from leukemia who have been largely treated with bone or marrow transplantation, and that brain tumors can be cured by 100 percent.".

He also noted "Immunotherapy The smart one, which identifies the cancer cell and fights it only without other cells".

Al-Dhahabi concluded his speech by stressing the importance of the child’s family being strong "psychologically" And optimistic, because this affects the psyche of the child and pushes him to fight the disease and overcome it.


Causes and early symptoms

In an interview with “Sky News Arabia”, Dr. Ali Al-Dhahabi, a consultant oncology and cancer surgery, said that more than 400,000 children, ranging in age from zero to 19, develop cancer annually.

He added, “The main reason forchildren’s cancer It differs from adults, because 9 out of 10 cases are caused by a defect in the genetic system, or a defect in the DNA, unlike adults who are affected by external factors such as smoking or pollution, for example.”

He explained that more types cancer popular with childrenhe is blood canceror leukemiabrain, lymphoma, and neuroblastoma.

Al-Dhahabi stressed the importance of early treatment, pointing out that “the role of the father and mother is very important” at this stage, given that they are responsible for following up on the child and discovering any changes that occur to him.

He added: “A child from zero to 5 years old finds it difficult to express his pain and pain, so the father and mother should, if they notice any change in the child’s behavior, such as lethargy, loss of concentration, weakness in the muscles of the hands or walking, not delay presenting it to the child. the doctor“.

And hit the surgery consultant Tumors And cancer, for example, regarding a case presented to him, it was a 9-year-old girl, who continued to complain of headaches for a whole year, and because her family decided to present her to the doctor following a long time from the onset of symptoms, they discovered that she suffers from brain tumorIt might have been cured if they had gone to the doctor at an early stage, but it is no longer treatable.

He continued, “If the child’s psyche, concentration or appetite changes, he must be examined quickly.”

Latest treatment techniques

And regarding the latest technologies that are now being used in the treatment of childhood cancer, Al-Dhahabi explained that “the treatment of tumors in children is better than that of adults, because immune system And the organic is more restoreable to them than adults.”

He added, “During the past 10 years, scientists have been able to analyze genetic DNA In children, now there are immunotherapy and drugs being developed that affect children’s DNA. There is also surgery and radiotherapy.”

He also explained that “there are tumors in the brain, blood or lymph system, which are treated by 90 to 100 percent in children,” stressing once once more that “the most important thing is for the parents to take the child to the hospital at an early stage.”

Al-Dhahabi pointed to amazing success stories related to treating children’s cancer, explaining that there are children suffering from leukemia who have been largely treated with bone or marrow transplants, and brain tumors can be cured by 100 percent.

He also noted that “Immunotherapy The smart one, which identifies the cancerous cell and only fights it, not other cells.”

Al-Dhahabi concluded his speech by stressing the importance of the child’s family being strong “psychologically” and optimistic, because this affects the child’s psyche and pushes him to fight and overcome the disease.



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