What are the best sensitive skin dog food in 2022? – Consumed

Dogs with sensitive skin should receive quality food to strengthen their fragile epidermis. Cereal-free kibbles, supplemented with fatty acids… the best kibbles for your dog are those that give him a shiny coat!

Irritation, itching, hair loss, maybe your companion is a dog with sensitive skin? After having done a check-up at the veterinarian and eliminated a parasitic or allergic cause, it is wise to explore the food track. An unsuitable diet can have catastrophic consequences on the beauty of a sensitive dog’s coat. Fortunately, many manufacturers are developing ranges of kibbles for dogs with fragile skin, ideally dosed in protein, fatty acids and vitamins for a top coat! They will help to reduce inflammation and will provide all the nutrients necessary for hair growth. The choice is vast and you can opt for the best kibbles for your dog according to his weight, his age and even his tastes.


  1. The most therapeutic
  2. The most universal
  3. Safe bets
  4. The most natural
  5. The most technical

Royal Canin Skin Care kibbles for small dogs

These dog kibbles are particularly designed for animals suffering from dermatological pathologies such as atopy. Indeed, they contain proteins in hydrolyzed form to minimize the risk of food allergy. They are rich in fatty acids useful against pruritus and contain a synergistic complex of antioxidants to fight against free radicals. A dry food that does not forget oral health, the number 1 problem for small breeds. The best kibbles for sensitive dogs under 10 kilos!

Eukanuba Daily Care Adult Sensitive Skin all breeds kibbles

These kibbles for sensitive skin dogs contain only one source of protein (fish) to minimize the risk of allergies. They are rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids which contribute to the beauty and health of the coat as well as in vitamin E and beta-carotenes. Digestive sensitivity is not forgotten thanks to the addition of prebiotics (FOS (natural fibres) and beet pulp) to facilitate digestion. For all susceptible adult dogs (1 to 6 years old). We adopt it!

Advance sensitive Lamb and rice croquettes

These animal monoprotein sensitive dog kibbles also contain omega 3 and 6 acids, biotin and zinc for a healthy and shiny coat. For better digestion, they contain inulin, a natural fiber found in certain plants. This food is packaged in a 12 kilo bag with a closing system for optimal conservation. The best kibbles for dogs with skin sensitivity of medium to large breeds!

Burgess dog food sensitive to salmon

A truly premium food with a high quality protein source that naturally contains fatty acids and antioxidants. Ideal for a nice coat, but also strong joints and bones. It is available in bags of 2 and 12.5 kilos. And don’t panic, if your dog doesn’t like salmon, these kibbles for sensitive skin dogs are available in lamb or turkey. You will even find a range for sensitive puppies with turkey exclusively! Top of the range, for demanding masters.

PRO PLAN Medium Adult Sensitive Skin kibbles with salmon-rich OPTIDERMA

Developed by veterinary nutritionists, these wheat gluten-free croquettes are made from salmon, a source of protein and fatty acid whose beneficial effect on the coat is well known. Zinc and vitamins are also present to promote healthy fur. In addition, they are suitable for relieving painful joints or for prevention in animals at risk. In bags of 3, 7 or 14 kilos, these kibbles for dogs with sensitive skin are ideal for medium breed animals. For a long life, healthy joints and a silky coat!

What is a Sensitive Dog?

In terms of animal feed, there are 2 types of sensitive dogs:

· The dog with skin sensitivity: it is the dog that will easily develop redness or itching. One of the main causes of dermatological sensitivity in dogs is atopy, a disease of allergic origin which results in dry skin, pruritus and hair loss. Diet can play a big role in helping restore the skin barrier and minimizing the risk of allergy.

· The dog with digestive sensitivity: it is the dog which “digests badly”. He often has diarrhoea, can vomit or refuse his bowl. Again, a quality diet can reduce or even solve the problem.

A sensitive dog will react to an environment or a diet that is not quite adequate, while a lambda dog will not suffer from it.

How do you know if your dog is sensitive?

A sensitive dog tends to scratch. He has dry skin, recognizable by the presence of scales (or dandruff) on his back or stomach. It can also develop crusts in case of bacterial superinfection.

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Symptoms can be almost permanent or appear following a change in diet or periodically: for example in the spring for sensitive dogs allergic to certain pollens.

In any case, it is important to consult your veterinarian who can rule out a more serious illness and prescribe medication in the event of a crisis.

What should you watch out for when your dog is sensitive?

If your dog is sensitive, you should try to spot what triggers his itching or dull coat. It can be a food like milk, beef or gluten. In the latter case, you can try giving him grain-free kibble.

It could also be the detergent you use to wash his blanket or the liquid you use to clean the floor. You can then opt for the good old Marseille soap. As a general rule, for dogs with sensitive skin, it is better to keep it simple and natural!

Some dogs are allergic to pollens, grasses or house dust mites.

Sometimes no cause is found.

Don’t forget to treat it against fleas; a susceptible dog exposed to these parasites is at risk of developing an XXL reaction. Prefer oral treatments to pipettes and necklaces which can trigger local skin irritations.

What are the differences between normal croquettes and sensitive skin croquettes?

Sensitive dog food is specially formulated to reduce the risk of food allergy and to strengthen the skin barrier. They contain :

A single protein source or hydrolyzed protein

· Higher levels of fatty acids and vitamins A and E

Trace elements like zinc

Researchers have found that food allergy in dogs is often protein-related. Bringing a single source of protein and if possible a source to which the dog has had little exposure before (such as salmon or lamb) helps to minimize the risks.

Another process is to hydrolyze (break down) the proteins so that they are no longer recognized by the dog’s immune system and thus do not trigger an allergic reaction.

In case of gluten allergy (rare), you can use cereal-free croquettes.

How to transition your dog’s diet to sensitive skin croquettes?

The food transition always takes place over ten days. Start by adding some kibble for sensitive dogs to your companion’s usual ration, then gradually increase the mixture. Be careful, making a transition too quickly can lead to digestive problems such as diarrhea.

You will then have to persevere for about 2 months to see the benefits of your new kibble for sensitive dogs.

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