How to save on gasoline consumption when its price reaches its historical maximum



Gasoline has returned this week to reach a new historical maximum, costing 1,558 euros (on average) per liter of gasoline. Diesel for its part stands at 1,444 euros per liter. According to data released by the
Oil Bulletin of the European Union
diesel is only 0.1% below its highest price since records exist. According
First Stop
, a network of workshops specializing in tires and comprehensive car maintenance, faced with this situation, more and more drivers are asking what advice they can follow so that their pockets do not suffer at the end of the month due to the price that gasoline is reaching. For this reason, top tipswhat can you follow If you want this increase not to change your economic plans, they are:

-In the first place, it is essential proper vehicle maintenancesince proper maintenance of its moving parts (suspensions, friction pads or brake shoes, for example) reduces rolling resistance and, therefore, fuel consumption.

-It is also important to remember turn off the engine during long stops if your vehicle does not have a start-stop system to avoid inefficient fuel consumption.

-In addition, First Stop recommends using the engine brake whenever possible. Must anticipate traffic circumstances, letting the vehicle roll before stopping at a traffic light or using the engine brake to gradually slow down. In this way, the consumption of the vehicle is reduced by up to 2%, since when the accelerator is released, the fuel practically stops.

-You also have to keep revs under control, without acceleration. Driving at high revs or braking hard leads to higher fuel consumption. It is advisable to use safe driving habits and avoid unnecessary actions.

-A correct tire pressure, following First Stop recommendations, prevents rolling resistance from increasing, favoring rolling and minimizing the effort invested. An inadequately reduced pressure would increase rolling resistance, since it increases the optimum contact surface of the tire with the vehicle and the increase in fuel and emissions would be greater.

-The proper choice of tires It’s very important. The construction and material used in the manufacture of the tire impacts rolling resistance and, consequently, fuel consumption. Pay attention, at the time of choosing, to the label with the tire information, specifically the information related to consumption. The right choice of tire will have a positive impact on the consumption of your vehicle.

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FlexFuel Decarbonization Service: using this service you will be able to eliminate all the accumulated waste in the vehicle and you will avoid the increase in fuel consumption that causes deficiencies in combustion. If you have little oxygen on ignition, you don’t get the same amount of power, so more fuel is needed to deliver the same performance.

-Another important tip when it comes to reducing fuel consumption is respect the speed limits. Exceeding the recommended speed can increase consumption by 20%, since each time the vehicle is exceeded it is less efficient and essentially wasting fuel.

-Also, if you are one of those who fill the trunk to the limit, be careful. Unnecessarily overloading the vehiclemakes it require more power to move and, therefore, higher fuel consumption.

Change the air filter It is also another important ‘tip’, since this filter ensures that the air that enters the engine intake is clean. The engine will run smoother and, consequently, consumption will be reduced.

-Finally, First Stop recommends minimize air resistance. Driving with elements that harm the aerodynamics of the vehicle, such as roof racks, for example, or driving with the windows or roof open, increases the vehicle’s air resistance, causing an increase in fuel consumption.

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